Open PGP Encryption


GoAnywhere's Open PGP-compliant encryption addresses the privacy and integrity of the data you exchange with external trading partners, clients, customers, vendors, and internal users.

Open PGP is an encryption standard. It uses asymmetric (public key) cryptography and addresses the issues of data authentication and non-repudiation through the ability to "sign" files via embedded digital signatures. These features give organizations a high level of data protection, making PGP one of the most popular encryption methods used today.

With GoAnywhere, you can implement Open PGP encryption for your files on multiple platforms, including Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Windows, and Linux. Detailed audit logs help you track your encryption processes and comply with industry regulations.

Download our free PGP encryption tool


Open PGP Encryption Automation

After encrypting files with PGP, GoAnywhere MFT can place them on the network or transfer them to a remote server. With GoAnywhere's advanced workflows, this process can be automated from end to end.

For example, a project workflow could be defined to automatically retrieve records from a database, create a CSV file from those records, encrypt the file, and send it to your trading partner's SFTP server, all without manual interference from you or your team.

The Encryption Process

Open PGP encryption process diagram
Open PGP encryption and decryption example using GoAnywhere

GoAnywhere MFT's PGP encryption and decryption processes have been verified for interoperability with many other PGP and Open PGP products, including GPG (GnuPG).

Open PGP Encryption Example

Screen shot of PGP Encryption
GoAnywhere MFT Open PGP encryption example in the platform

Open PGP Decryption Example

GoAnywhere MFT Open PGP decryption example in the platform
GoAnywhere MFT Open PGP decryption example in the platform


Open PGP Key Management

A comprehensive Key Manager is provided in GoAnywhere MFT to allow for the management of PGP public and private keys. This Key Manager can be used to create keys, change keys, view keys and import keys. These keys can be utilized within GoAnywhere MFT for automating PGP encryption and decryption within your organization. This Key Manager can also be used to export public keys for sharing with your trading partners.

Standards Support for Open PGP Encryption

GoAnywhere MFT is compliant with the Open PGP encryption standard. The Open PGP standard is a non-proprietary and industry-accepted protocol which defines the standard format for encrypted messages, signatures and keys. This standard is managed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). See RFC2440 and RFC4880 for more details on this standard.

  • Diffie-Hellman
  • DSA
  • RSA

The key sizes supported are 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096 bits.

  • AES-128
  • AES-192
  • AES-256 (default)
  • Blowfish
  • CAST5
  • DES
  • IDEA
  • Triple DES(DESede)
  • Twofish

The default symmetric algorithm is AES-256, which can be changed by the user.

  • MD2
  • MD5
  • RIPEMD-160
  • SHA1 (default)
  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512

The default hash algorithm is SHA1, which can be changed by the user.


* PGP is a registered trademark of Symantec.


Automate file encryption using GoAnywhere MFT's PGP software

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