

Encryption for Exchanging Files

  You seal the envelope when you send a letter. You lock your car when you park at the big box store. You track your packages to make sure porch pirates don’t get them before you do. Your file exchanges should be no different. Learn the essentials on how you can keep your data secure both while it’s sitting at home or being delivered. What is...

Moving Big Data to Amazon S3 Storage at Maximum Speed

If your data storage strategy includes cloud object storage, you will have to consider the tools that will be used to move this data and access it once it’s all migrated to the cloud. Luckily, when it comes to object storage, all the vendors will provide you with a range of quality tools out-of-the-box and options to move and access your data. If your data set is very large, access time...

How to Choose an MFT Vendor

    Which MFT Vendor Should You Choose?   Finding the right managed file transfer (MFT) solution for your organization can be a complex process, but it doesn’t need to be. Let us help you tackle the first and most important step – finding the right solution. If you’re in the process of choosing an MFT vendor for your organization, this blog is for...

What is Safer Internet Day?

    Safety First: It’s Safer Internet Day!   Each February, more than 100 countries around the world take note of the massive power of the internet and more importantly, the urgency surrounding how to be safer and better users of the internet, especially those younger users. In the U.S., Safer Internet Day is recognized on Feb. 9. Why Was Safer...

What is FISMA?

  What is FISMA and How Does it Work? The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) is a 2002 United States law that outlines steps and guidelines to follow to reduce security risks to federal data. FISMA applies to all U.S. federal agencies, some state agencies, and any private sector organizations that have a contract with the U.S. government. Additionally, both the National...

FTP vs. MFT: What's the Difference?

  FTP vs. MFT Transferring sensitive data is an essential part of doing business on a day-to-day basis. However, when your organization is tasked with keeping that sensitive data safe when moving it from point A to point B, it’s best to choose a solution that can keep your files secure. If you’re torn between choosing from a basic solution like FTP...

What is Data Privacy Day? Why Does it Matter?

  Take Note: It’s Data Privacy Day! Every January 28th, countries around the world recognize Data Privacy Day (Data Protection Day in Europe). So, let’s raise a glass, have some cake, and refresh our knowledge of the best practices to keep sensitive data away from prying eyes. Why Was Data Privacy Day Started?   The 2007 origins of Data Privacy Day...

The 5 Biggest PCI Compliance Breaches

  The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is the main information security standard for organizations that process credit or debit card information must abide by. The guidelines established in PCI DSS cover how to secure data handling processes. While most organizations work to avoid PCI compliance breaches through the requirement’s...

10 Tips to Protect Your Company’s Data in 2021

The amount, complexity, and relevance of the data that companies handle has increased exponentially. Today the data stored by organizations can contain information from buying and selling transactions, market analysis, ideas for future technological innovations, customer or employee information (salaries, health information) and more. As a consequence,...

PCI Statistics That May Shock You

    If your organization processes credit or debit card information, you’re probably already familiar with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the regulatory standard enacted to prevent large data breaches like the ones you hear about frequently – the ones that make headlines for all the wrong reasons.   Here are a few PCI...

How to Comply with Brazil's Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD)

  What is Brazil’s LGPD? LGPD stands for Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (General Data Protection Law), which is a law streamlining what was previously 40 separate statutes protecting personal data in Brazil. Academic research and legislation around personal data and privacy has been an active priority in Brazil, culminating in the overarching idea...

What is SSL, TLS, and HTTPS?

    Meet the Trio   SSL, TLS, and HTTPS are a unique trio that each work to help keep your important data secure on the Internet. If you've ever wondered how each of these protocols compares, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the basics and how they operate. Know the Terms: GoAnywhere Glossary   What is SSL? SSL, short for Secure Sockets...

Is FTPS or SFTP More Secure?

  FTPS vs. SFTP – Level of Security FTPS and SFTP are two of the mainstream protocols for transferring your sensitive files, but they are not 100 percent equal when it comes to their level of security. Discover which one is more secure below. Know the Terms: GoAnywhere Glossary What is FTPS? FTPS (FTP over SSL – Secure Sockets Layer) is a secure...

How a Remote Workforce Impacts Your Data Security

  You did it. Many months ago, you sent your employees home armed with their laptops, a few passwords, and a couple of Zoom invites. Now, hunkered down in their stretchy, comfy clothes, thankful for not having to commute, they’re carrying on the day-to-day business responsibilities for your organization. But is it really business as usual? Or is your...

Top Data Breaches of 2020: How You Can Minimize Your Risks

  Despite the many changes that 2020 brought, including new home offices, new (and quickly abandoned) hobbies, and new threats, some things stayed the same: numerous data breaches, disruptive hacks, and staggering fines. We thought 2019 was a momentous year for data breaches, and it even earned the name “the worst year on record” before the end of...

The Top 7 Cybersecurity Strategies for Your Business in 2021

  Did you know that the average cost of a data breach is $3.92 million and almost 30% of all organizations will experience at least one breach over the next 24 months? Besides the immediate cost, such as data loss and regulatory fines, organizations also suffer from tarnished reputations, eroded customer trust, the cost of other remedial measures, and...

What is the Digital Charter Implementation Act?

    Introducing the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020   In November 2020, one of the biggest shakeups in the history of Canada’s privacy law, the Digital Charter Implementation Act (DCIA), was proposed and is currently on the horizon. The DCIA is composed of two separate Acts: The Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) and the Personal...

Secure Forms Ensures Information is Locked Down

  Filling out a form is an act of trust. When you ask people to fill out a form to collect the information you need to operate your business, individuals are trusting you to keep the data you collect safe and secure. Whether it is patients submitting their private health history, customers completing online orders, insureds submitting claims or...

Object Storage and You Series | Amazon S3

Moving Data to Amazon S3 Storage at Maximum Speed Flexibility is the key to happiness and ultimately, productivity. Your company should be flooded with options in regards to object storage compatibility, and that is why FileCatalyst integrates with several object storage solutions. We understand that customization is important, that every company has its own unique requirements. In this blog post...

SFTP and the Cloud: How to Transfer Your Data Securely

  Is SFTP Cloud Based? SFTP, Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a protocol used to transfer files between your organization, trading partners, and enterprise servers. It helps to establish a secure data connection and protect files in transit. SFTP can be used for your cloud file transfer needs, but also for any on-premises file transfers you do. SFTP...