

MFT Agents: Definition, Differences and Use Cases

In GoAnywhere’s latest product release of its Managed File Transfer solution, MFT agent capabilities were introduced. The following resource aims to help readers understand what MFT agents are, the difference between a traditional MFT deployment and an MFT agent deployment and some example use cases. For further questions, open the Live Chat box at...

The State of File Transfer Security

Note from the Editor: This article shares highlights from an older report. For the latest on data security and best practices for keeping file transfers safe, visit our Data Security page or check out the latest additions to our blog.The 2017 Cybersecurity Trends Report was recently released by Crowd Research Partners. The report covers many aspects...

How to Create a Cybersecurity Policy for Your Organization

The cyberattacks and data breaches that make the news are usually the ones that happen at big corporations like TJX or Home Depot. But every organization, large or small, needs to be concerned about cybersecurity.According to Security Magazine, the average cost of a data breach for a small business is between $36,000 and $50,000. And while the...

Still Using SHA-1 to Secure File Transfers? It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Securing information is rising in importance for organizations worldwide. Using outdated technology is extremely risky, yet many organizations continue to do so because of legacy systems that don’t allow them to upgrade, lack of resources and time to upgrade, or they are simply unaware of the risks. The commonly used SHA-1 algorithm is a perfect...

10 Shocking PCI DSS Compliance Statistics

If you work for any organization that processes credit or debit card information, you’ve heard of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the regulatory standard aimed at preventing costly data breaches like the ones you may have heard about at Home Depot or TJX. But how much do you really know about PCI DSS compliance? Here are some interesting PCI DSS compliance statistics...

No Such Thing as a Free File Transfer, Part 2: Cost-effective Security

With new corporate data breaches in the news seemingly every day, it’s no surprise that security is a top concern for IT professionals. However, file transfers are an area where many companies are still vulnerable.Most file transfers still use FTP, a protocol that comes with inherent risks. Other common file transfer solutions, like file sharing...

No Such Thing as a Free File Transfer, Part I: How MFT Saves Time

Every business engages in some kind of information exchange, whether it’s a small retailer attaching an invoice to an email or a hospital sending hundreds of patient records between departments. Some methods of exchanging files, like a basic FTP server or a file sharing app, seem like an inexpensive way to deal with your transfers. In the...

The Benefits of File Transfer Automation

Organizations today are challenged with maximizing their resources in a fiercely competitive environment. Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Lost time is never found again.” This is a problem that IT departments of all sizes have become familiar with. Take, for example, an IT staff member who spends countless hours waiting on inbound and...

Four Modern Alternatives to FTP Explained

Read about the latest alternatives to FTP: Five Secure File Transfer Alternatives to FTP Today's data-driven world is demanding, requiring accuracy, speed, integrity and above all -- security. It's a tall order to fill, and in the past, many organizations relied heavily on the legacy FTP protocol to transmit files. But over time, FTP alternatives have become necessary as the security of...

3 Steps to Safeguarding Company Data and Limiting Risk

Security professionals of today are inundated with headlines about the potential consequences of a data breach.Making headlines for a data breach can cost you – and more than just reparations or a fine. Data breaches are the worst of bad press and can impact your finances for years to come.As security professionals work to manage vast amounts of data...

SHA-2 and TLS Security for AS2 Transfers

SHA-2 and TLS Security for AS2 Transfers It’s crucial for organizations to take the time to upgrade the security used to protect their AS2 data transfers. In order to be compliant with the latest security standards, you need to be using a modern AS2 solution. Related Reading: AS2 Protocol Software for Client & Server Transfers The Story...

What is AS2? Common Protocol Explained

For those that ask "What is AS2?," AS2 is an abbreviation for Applicability Statement 2, which is a popular file transfer protocol that allows businesses to exchange data with their trading partners.AS2 protocol combines the use of several secure and widely used technologies including HTTPS, SSL Certificates, S/MIME, and file hashing. By utilizing...

Truly Secure On-Premises Document Management for HR

HR departments receive, generate, and accumulate substantial volumes of documents such as job postings, employment applications, resumes, reference checks, testing data, personnel files, wage and hour records, payroll records, and disciplinary files. GoDrive by GoAnywhere is a secure file storage and collaboration solution that's ideally...

Managed File Transfer 101: What's in it for Me?

Note from the Editor: This blog is a recap of an older webinar. To view the most recent webinars, you can do so here.Meet MFTThe term MFT (Managed File Transfer) is not new, but you may have begun to hear it more frequently. Changes in data security and transmission regulations have brought this established technology to the forefront, but what...

SFTP Server in the DMZ or Private Network

Many organizations have an SFTP server installed where their trading partners can connect to securely upload and download sensitive files. SFTP Server in the DMZ Traditionally SFTP Servers have been installed in the DMZ (or public facing) segment of the network since organizations were fearful of opening inbound ports into the Private (internal) network. ...

OpenPGP, PGP, and GPG: What is the Difference?

The privacy capabilities of encryption methods such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) allow organizations to achieve a hightened amount of data security and protection. There are various approaches and elements of comparison for these encryption methods, however, and each one comes with their own histories, features, and capabilities. These are: PGP,...

Could Your FTP Server Pass a Compliance Audit?

If an auditor showed up to your office tomorrow and wanted to examine your file transfer security policies and procedures for compliance, how confident are you that your organization would pass with flying colors?If there’s any doubt that your file exchange process can meet stringent compliance requirements, a secure managed file transfer solution...

What Is Your High Availability Plan for Your SFTP Server?

As organizations and their trading partners become more and more integrated, it's critical that file transfers perform without delays or disruptions. For instance, a document containing a batch of transactions could traditionally be delivered within a window of several hours without causing any issues. But today, in the effort to make business...