

Choosing MFT Software Based on User Reviews

Humans use reviews for pretty much everything – hiring a company, making a purchase, even applying for a job. Reviews give us insight into what someone – presumably someone like us, if they’re currently using the same thing we’re shopping for – thinks of a product: how they liked it, what their experience is, and what could have been better. Even...

Data Security Measures for the Return to Office

Whether your employees are headed back to the office enthusiastically, with a bit of dread, or a mix of emotions, they’ll bring with them more than just their laptops, lunches, and stories from their work-from-home days upon their return. They’ll also potentially be bringing along some data security risks.While risks around unauthorized file sharing,...

5 Ways Government Can Improve Cybersecurity Resilience

Cybersecurity for Government is CrucialIn these trying times government agencies everywhere must be resilient when it comes to cybersecurity.Cyber resilience is an organization’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber threats. A cyber-resilient organization can adequately adapt to known and unknown crises, threats, adversities, and...

What is India's Personal Data Protection Bill?

The EU’s GDPR paved the way for data privacy and protection laws around the world, and one of the latest is the emerging Personal Data Protection Bill in India. While organizations in India already adhere to international data privacy laws, including GDPR when serving overseas customers, as well as the restrictions set out in 2000’s Information...

Secure File Transfer for Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply chain attacks are one of the fastest-growing cyber risks that organizations face in 2022, and when it comes to supply chain risk management, organizations in every industry should pay attention.There have always been efforts to help organizations understand and mitigate risks related to supply chain, and recent initiatives, including the U.S.’s...

ModernCTO Podcast with Chris Spargen - Seamless Managed File Transfer

Chris Spargen, Senior Solutions Engineering Manager for HelpSystems (now Fortra), was recently featured on the ModernCTO Podcast. In the interview, Spargen discusses how MFT technology has rapidly evolved to be more user friendly and how the company’s MFT solutions can secure, automate, and encrypt file transfers in an ever-increasing threat environment. Listen below: ...

Shadow IT and Work From Home: The Risks and Solutions

Working 9 to 5 is no longer the only way to make a living, and for the foreseeable future, organizations parking most of their employees at a particular desk Monday through Friday is looking less and less likely. Working from home, at least as part of a hybrid organizational structure, is here to stay. Whether working from home, in a hybrid...

What is HITRUST Compliance?

HITRUST Compliance Helps to Manage RiskThe secure storage and transfer of sensitive data is of the utmost importance to the healthcare industry. Data security and complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is paramount, yet doing so can often be complex and difficult to maintain.This is where HITRUST comes in as a...

Tainted Love, Ransomware, and More: This Month in Cybersecurity

February, while a short month, was long on cybersecurity threats. Read on for a few of the high- (well, low-lights) as well as for some resources from GoAnywhere MFT on how you can help secure your sensitive data files while they are in motion and in transit. Love Hurts The search for love turned up more than potential partners over the last...

What is a PGP File?

What is PGP and What is It Used For?PGP is short for Pretty Good Privacy and it’s one of the most widely used technologies for encrypting and authenticating files. It can help encrypt, decrypt, authenticate, and verity various file types including emails, files, directories, disk partitions, and more.PGP, along with its offshoots Open PGP and GPG, are used so frequently because they’re flexible...

Cybersecurity Concerns in Healthcare in 2022

Every year the healthcare industry is greeted with headlines stating that ‘last year was the most-breached ever.’ And that trend is unlikely to stop in 2022. The healthcare industry has historically been one of the most-targeted by hackers, and one of the most breached by internal actors. Key reasons why include vast amounts of extra sensitive...

How Businesses Can Collaborate Securely with GoDrive

Collaborating or sharing information lies at the very heart of business. Securing these information exchanges, however, requires more than a firm handshake. The information your organization owns is priceless, so it’s vital to ensure that it is accessed, manipulated, and shared only by authorized individuals and with security measures that do not...

How the Coronavirus Has Changed Data Security

COVID-19 Has Made a Lasting Impact on Data SecurityThe Coronavirus pandemic has altered many things in this world and data security is no exception. Along with the solid impact COVID-19 has made on data security, let’s highlight some of the other key ways lasting change has been made within businesses.The Lasting Change: Working from HomeAs of 2022,...

13 Essential MFT Blog Posts You Might Have Missed

There’s a lot out there (and just on this website) about what MFT (managed file transfer) software is, why it’s a good FTP alternative, and how to choose the best file transfer software for your business. That’s why we’ve selected 13 of our top blogs that answer those exactly those questions – and more.And because questions about any software solution...

The Role Between Shadow IT and Content Collaboration

Shadow IT is Problematic for CollaborationContent collaboration platforms are more popular than ever as organizations produce and share a plethora of content every day. A centralized platform can simplify collaboration and promote productivity, but Shadow IT can put a hindrance on progress and optimal file sharing practices.What is Shadow IT?Shadow IT...

What is the Best MFT Software?

And the Award Goes To...Over the years, GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) has been recognized time and time again by users, industry peers, and more as one of the best robust secure file transfer solutions on the market.Why GoAnywhere is the Best MFT SoftwareFirst and foremost, aside from being both flexible and scalable, GoAnywhere helps...

AS2 Drummond Certified: GoAnywhere MFT Delivers Security and Interoperability

If you’re looking for a secure managed file transfer solution, why not check one out that has been recognized by the Drummond Group as AS2-certified? The AS2 features in Fortra' GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) solution, were reviewed and tested against the world's highest standards, as set by the Drummond Group.Drummond AS2 Certification...

What is Shadow IT and Why is it a Problem?

Shadow IT Doesn’t Lurk in the Shadows – it's PrevalentAlthough it may seem foreign now, there was once a time when an organization’s IT department had complete and total control over the technology being used by the organization. Before software could be purchased, or before anyone clicked download, the IT Director’s blessing was needed.In current...

Thinking about Managed File Transfer? MFT Trials are Invaluable.

Test-driving MFT Technology is InvaluableTaking a car out for a test drive provides a ton of insight. That sleek magazine ad or dazzling showroom floor may tempt you, but sometimes flashy looks and skilled salespeople can deliver a ride that doesn’t quite live up to your expectations. Getting behind the wheel to put that sleek ride through its paces,...

The 10 Biggest Data Security Breaches of 2021

2021 Was Not Fun for Those Who Suffered a Data BreachAlthough 2021 brought about many positive changes and more of a return to normalcy, it did not bring fun times for the many organizations who suffered from costly data breaches.With the numbers, costs, and impacts of a data breach on the rise, it’s important to do what you can to protect your...