Give IT the ability to deploy workflow automation, secure file transfers, and encrypt data flow all while reducing infrastructure and maintenance costs in the enterprise. Streamline your organization’s business processes when you implement GoAnywhere MFT’s secure FTP client and server on Docker today.
GoAnywhere MFT and Docker
GoAnywhere MFT is a managed file transfer and secure FTP solution used to streamline and secure data flow to boost compliance, centralize workflows, and automate recurring or large file transfers.
Donwload and run GoAnywhere MFT on Docker in minutes from our verified publisher page on Docker Hub.
Getting Started with GoAnywhere MFT on Docker
Running GoAnywhere MFT in Docker containers is an effortless process. Enterprise IT departments will find everything they need to run GoAnywhere with confidence included and managed within the Docker image.
GoAnywhere’s intuitive GUI interface and comprehensive workflow features help eliminate the need for custom programs and scripts, single-function tools, and manual processes that were traditionally required to manage file transfers. This secure FTP client and server software from GoAnywhere is an innovative solution that will reduce costs, improve the quality of file transfers, and help your organization to comply with data security audits, policies, and regulations.
Using GoAnywhere's Secure FTP and SFTP Client and Server on Docker
GoAnywhere MFT implements secure FTP server and client technology in Docker to protect sensitive file transfers. These file transfers are protected using strong encryption technology, like Open PGP, as well as industry-standard and multi-factor authentication methods.
Using GoAnywhere on Docker for FTP, SFTP, or other secure file transfer protocols will create encrypted tunnels between client and server systems. These tunnels provide confidentiality and support the integrity of critical transmissions. Secure FTP also protects any user credentials that flow over the connection.
Key Secure FTP Features for Docker | GoAnywhere on Docker
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Explore the Benefits of GoAnywhere MFT on Docker
Ready to see how GoAnywhere can exceed your managed file transfer needs for FTP and SFTP file transfers on Docker? Set up a personalized walkthrough of the product today.