

What is the Digital Charter Implementation Act?

Introducing the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020 In November 2020, one of the biggest shakeups in the history of Canada’s privacy law, the Digital Charter Implementation Act (DCIA), was proposed and is currently on the horizon. The DCIA is composed of two separate Acts: The Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) and the Personal...

Secure Forms Ensures Information is Locked Down

Filling out a form is an act of trust. When you ask people to fill out a form to collect the information you need to operate your business, individuals are trusting you to keep the data you collect safe and secure. Whether it is patients submitting their private health history, customers completing online orders, insureds submitting claims or...

Give the Gift of Secure Folders, Secure Forms, and More

If you’ve already given your IT team and organization the gift of managed file transfer (MFT) for secure, streamlined file transfers of your business-critical information, wow them further with modules. GoAnywhere modules, such as Secure Forms and Secure Folders, are like the bows on top of a present – they help tie up the loose ends of your...

Give the Gift of Automation

Automation is the Gift That Keeps on Giving This holiday season, don’t put off getting your gifts together until the last second. Rather, save time for both yourself and your organization by giving them the gift that just doesn’t quit – file transfer automation. Don’t let the holidays sneak up on you, even if you’re not completely sold...

When to Use FTP vs. FTPS or SFTP

The Classics: FTP, FTPS, & SFTP FTP, FTPS, and SFTP are three of the key protocols for transferring files. However, just because a protocol is a classic, doesn’t mean you should be using it for every kind of file transfer. If you’re not sure what protocol you should be using and for what situations, this is the perfect opportunity to...

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps Energy Companies

The Energy Industry is Moving at Light Speed Today’s energy and utility companies face a number of evergreen issues, from adhering to mandatory regulations and cybersecurity standards, to being at a higher risk of data breaches, the industry is constantly weathering a turbulent and rapidly accelerating environment. To combat these risks and...

Compliance for Healthcare: Secure File Transfer Holds the Key

Complying with your doctor’s recommendations is the primary key to feeling good and staying healthy. Complying with the healthcare industry’s security standards and personal data protection requirements holds the key to avoiding an audit failure, paying steep fines, or trying to heal from the impact of a data breach. Sure, you can meet stringent...

How MFT Agents Support Hybrid Cloud

What is Hybrid Cloud? Hybrid cloud combines private and public cloud services to collect, process, store, and exchange data. Secure hybrid cloud solutions are one of the most popular cloud environment strategies today, in part because they offer organizations greater flexibility than infrastructure that is either fully on-prem or fully in the...

TFTP vs FTP: Or is There a Better Option?

When it comes to transferring sensitive data, there’s nothing trivial about it. The risks of doing it insecurely are high; the costs of a data breach – astronomical. So, if you’re still using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) or slightly more secure FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer your organization’s files you probably want to...

How to Choose an EFSS Solution

Your parents and teachers probably taught you it was nice to share with others. But chances are, they didn’t give you the specifics and technical tools to securely share sensitive files and documents across multiple devices and platforms. No problem. We’ve got the sync and share functionality you need. To share and sync data nicely (but securely...

How to Implement the Right Enterprise File Sharing Solution

Implementation 101 An enterprise file sharing solution is an important tool for organizations to have. The benefits are practically endless – from ensuring compliance with data regulations, to streamlining transfers with automation, to the auditing and reporting capabilities – implementing the right tool is key. However, the act of implementing...

19 Ways to Transfer Big Files

You have choices when it comes to sending large files. You can choose to take your chances with free file transfer solutions, but they can be risky. Using a managed file transfer (MFT) solution is a reliable way to secure your data and ensure it gets where it needs to be. Here’s a few ways you can get peace-of-mind when sending your big files. ...

9 Mistakes You Might Make When Sending Big Files

Sending that small file, or even a few small files, is a no-brainer at most organizations. But what about those massive, unwieldly and oh-so-sensitive files that inevitably get “stuck” or noted as “undeliverable.” You know the ones…those really important files that need to be somewhere yesterday! Without a company-approved file sharing method in...

iPaaS and MFT: What You Need to Know

Once upon a time, you carried an MP3 player to listen to music, a cell phone to text and make calls, and a book if you wanted to read. Video games and the internet? Best to use your preferred gaming device and home computer for those. Then came the smartphone – suddenly, everything is accessible from one location, and all you have to do is download the right app. Like a smartphone, iPaaS puts...

What is Electronic File Transfer?

Meet Electronic File Transfer If your IT department is still relying on outdated methods like FTP, PC tools, or legacy scripts to meet your organization’s data transfer needs, now is the time to consider a better option – an electronic file transfer solution. What is Electronic File Transfer? Electronic File Transfer (EFT) refers to any system...

What is a Cloud Connector?

The cloud and all its possibilities for connecting with customers, vendors, trading partners, and more is exciting. Managing your organization’s transition to the cloud – whether you’re contemplating a complete migration, or just moving a few business processes to a cloud environment, secure managed file transfer and cloud integrations – makes...

How Amazon Web Services Works with GoAnywhere MFT

“Alexa, What is MFT?” While that may not be a question you’ve ever asked your virtual assistant, it’s not outside the realm of possibility – Amazon has quickly become ubiquitous for online shopping, streaming popular media, and even web hosting. Many IT teams have turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) in search of storage, content delivery, or...

Why You Should Use Scheduled File Transfer Software

Have you set up Amazon auto-deliveries? Installed a smart thermostat to keep your house the perfect temperature throughout the day? Approved auto-pay for your bills? Today’s world makes it easy to simplify nearly every aspect of your day-to-day – so why not schedule your file transfers? What is Scheduled File Transfer Software? More commonly...

The ABC's of MFT

Tech Terminology Can be Tough We know that tech terms can be tricky, but the good news is that technology makes it easy to learn and read about them if you’re willing to do the research. The GoAnywhere Glossary, our top-level managed file transfer (MFT) glossary, is a great resource for learning and reading about MFT’s most widely used...

Pair Your Enterprise File Sharing Solution with Data Loss Prevention

Is Your Enterprise File Sharing Solution Enough? Enterprise file sharing solutions are already a great way to encrypt sensitive data in motion, but encryption alone is not enough. Can you ensure that sensitive information is not accidentally transmitted? Are you able to audit who is sending what? And last, but not least, are you protecting your...