

Enterprise | the Next Generation of Fast File Transferring

What classifies your company as an enterprise? Is it your amount of staff? Your global outreach? Traditionally, yes to all of the above. A company is considered an enterprise once they are responsible for a large number of sales within their industry. Once a company enters that battlefield, with growing industry rivalry, it becomes a never ending challenge to remain competitive. Do your company...

The Next Oil Cycle | How 2020 Has Made File Transferring Crucial for Success

The year 2020 has shifted the oil and gas industry drastically. In the early months of the new year, COVID-19 resulted in price drops and a decrease in production. This, however, will not be a permanent situation. Now is the time to look at the horizon and what the next oil cycle will look like. This is a unique period of time that will define the future of oil and gas. Recently we have seen the...

What’s the Difference Between the Cloud and SaaS?

The Cloud vs. SaaS The cloud and SaaS may seem interchangeable when you consider their similarities. However, these two terms refer to very different things, both with their own defining characteristics. What is the Cloud? Although the cloud has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, it’s okay to not be 100% sure what...

Why a SaaS Solution Can Benefit Your Company

SaaS – or Software as a Service – is one of the most common uses of the cloud. Think your personal Gmail, where you can access your email but you don’t need to host the software on your personal machine or maintain the software – let alone the hardware hosting it. Simply connect to the cloud-based application over the internet, use it, and log...

“Final Fantasy VII Remake Cancelled?” How Fast File Transfers Prevent This Situation

Over the past ten years, the gaming industry has ballooned into one of the main producers of large data files. You blink and a new gaming system is released, with accessories, games and expansion packs. In 2015 it was announced at E3 that Nintendo would be releasing a remake of the beloved Final Fantasy 7 and since then the countdown has been on. This game is jam-packed with nostalgia for many...

3 Ways File Transferring Advance the Healthcare Industry

The world can be an intimidating place, new battles consistently arise for the healthcare and life sciences industry. Research is the key to preventing and defeating these challenges. Often work is kept behind the scenes and the average person forgets how much data this industry creates and the importance this data holds. The files that the healthcare and life sciences industry produce could...

Benefits of a Content Collaboration Platform

Once upon a time, an organization’s valuable content lived in file drawers with neat little tabbed folders. It also lived on top of desks and on desktops. It lived in saved emails, cloud storage services, and even was embedded in texts. When it was time to share that content however, finding it, working with it, and sending it along often...

4 Benefits of On-premises Enterprise File Sync and Sharing

The value of mission-critical business documents can't be overstated — but lax or renegade employees or trading partners can put your sensitive data at risk with reckless storage or sharing practices. Luckily, knowing that your data hasn't been exposed is as easy as implementing a secure Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) solution. There are...

How GoAnywhere MFT Can Help You Transition to the Cloud

Doing business via the cloud is the new normal for many organizations, so it’s important to consider how you’ll manage the transition to the cloud when you’re ready to make the move – either entirely or simply for a few key business processes. Without a secure cloud file transfer solution in place, your valuable data could be at risk. The cloud...

How Advanced Workflows Goes Beyond the Surface

Imagine taking one of your monstrous, days-long tasks and condensing it into just a few clicks. With Advanced Workflows, you can do just that: set up a task once and let GoAnywhere MFT do the rest. The full scope of Advanced Workflows is vast; dive deep into this popular Project-builder that helps you automate and manipulate data movement...

How Are Your Peers Utilizing Automation in GoAnywhere?

The Uses are Endless It’s no secret that automation is a great way to boost your business. It can save time, money, and important resources. But how is it being used by your peers on a day-to-day basis? Read on for some examples straight from your peers’ own personal experiences automating their file transfer processes. Adams County,...

Is Automation All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

Automation is Key We’ve all had our moments of being skeptical when something sounds too good to be true. However, automation is no joking matter. Automation is a great way to boost your business by saving time, money, and important resources. What is Automation? Automation is the use of electronics and/or computer-controlled...

Real-Life Ways GoAnywhere Saves Your Peers Time, Money, and Resources

It’s Time to Get Real Let’s be real – time, money, and resources are all equally valuable in the business world. If you’re looking for a solution that can help you substantially save all three in your everyday life, look no further than GoAnywhere. Time After Time Time after time, GoAnywhere can help you maximize the time you have and keep...

Need a Cloud-Based MFT Environment? Try a Hybrid Cloud Setup

Cloud integration is growing in popularity, but committing 100% to the cloud isn’t always practical or secure for organizations. If you’re in the market for cloud-based solutions, read our quick overview below. For a more comprehensive exploration of when to choose a hybrid cloud and how keep your data encrypted through and after the transition...

Should You Get Extended Customer Support? FileCatalyst’s Top 3 Reasons Why It’s Worth It

Whether you are purchasing the next trending iPhone or a powerful fast file transfer solution, support is always a bonus feature that provides you a team in your back corner. This sense of security takes a weight off of your shoulders because you know that assistance will be there to alleviate the stress that comes with updates, crashes, and more. Support is undervalued within the world of...

Netflix Series Black Mirror, Highlights Data Protection– 3 Reasons Why You Should Listen

For good or for bad, the popular NetFlix television show, Black Mirror has global audiences overwhelmed with the future possibilities for technology. The show’s creators appear to have sought out the most extreme plotlines around technological threats, leaving us with digital nightmares. While Black Mirror mainly tackles the negative aspects of the potential advancement in technology, it does...

Automation Operations: 5 Benefits of Automation

Advantages of Automation Visions of a mechanized world flourished long before the term "automation" was coined. The star of Westinghouse’s exhibit at the 1939 World’s Fair was Electro, a robot that could walk, talk, and count on its fingers. Sadly, Electro and his kind were little more than demonstrations of remote control by human...

Everything You Need to Know about FTP Automation Software

So, you want to automate your FTP file transfers. Whether you send a dozen file transfers a week, hundreds a day, or even more, automation is a smart step for most businesses. The benefits are simple: automatic file transfers cut down on user errors, reduce or eliminate the need for scripts, free up manual time spent on creating and maintaining...

Why You Should Never Use FTP to Transfer Cloud Files

The cloud has become an increasingly popular topic among organizations in recent years. From sharing projects via cloud collaboration tools to exchanging files between a company and its trading partners using cloud storage buckets, cloud computing platforms like Microsoft Azure and AWS offer users a lot of flexibility over their day-to-day...

Public Defender’s Office Reduces Manual Data Entry with Secure File Transfer Software

Every organization has legacy processes. Manual data entry, file cabinets full of paper records, sensitive documents sent across the organization by email, or even file transfers sent via homegrown scripts or FTP—all these processes can cause more headaches than their worth. Unfortunately, implementing a new strategy to replace a legacy one isn...