

What is High Latency File Transfer and Why Should You Use It

When taking off on a vacation, the less time spent traveling the better, right? A non-stop flight, versus one with iffy connections and layovers is the way to go whenever possible. There are fewer hiccups, and the overall experience is simply better. File transfers operating in a high latency network can be a bit like that multi-stop flight, with delays, missed connections, and a general bog down...

Common Questions About Fast File Transfer

There is no doubt we live in an information-intensive world, one in which getting the right data quickly is often pivotal to an organization’s success. Moving files from point A to point B requires many considerations, but when it comes to large, mission-critical files that need to reach recipients around the world as fast as possible, it’s time to move beyond options such as Dropbox and Google...

What Do Emerging Data Privacy Laws in the U.S. Mean for You?

What is Data Privacy? One can think of data privacy as all the processes involved in how confidential or personal information or data is collected, used, and shared or governed. No singular policy governs data privacy, with requirements and penalties varying across states and countries. Data privacy laws are legal constructs that set clear lines...

Secure File Sharing for Banks Gets a Boost from GoAnywhere MFT

Secure file sharing for banks has always been of utmost importance and is only gaining traction in the face of common cybersecurity threats and compliance requirements alike. Requirements like PCI DSS, GDPR, GLBA, and more can make processes more complicated, even as the safeguards outlined within them promote data security to protect both...

Ship to Shore Fast File Transfer: 3 Offshore Fleet Communication Case Studies

Data transfer has hurdles for any industry, but remote file transfer from ship to shore must overcome additional obstacles. Even as data collection tools become more powerful and generate bigger datasets than ever before, transfer tools have improved at a slower pace, and are not often built with mid-ocean data transfer in mind. Discover how three organizations avoided this common pitfall with...

Why it’s Time to Adopt Zero Trust Architecture

If you work in cybersecurity, the chances are that you will have come across the phrase Zero Trust over the past few years. It’s become a real industry buzzword, but there is substance behind the noise on this occasion. To the outsider, it’s a term that is easy to misinterpret. It sounds draconian and severe and could be perceived as...

End-to-End Rights Management Made Simple with SFT

Digital files are the crown jewels of any organization, and end-to-end rights management is increasingly the goal of businesses who need to transfer files securely. How can organizations ensure data is secure from inception to publication, especially when third parties enter the picture?Enter secure file transfer plus digital rights management. These...

NAB Show Recap: The Power of Fast File Transfer in Media and Broadcast

Global Visionaries Converged at the 2022 NAB Show The recent annual NAB Show was, as usual, a fantastic event to get a bead on industry happenings and meet the movers and shakers pushing our notions of what’s possible. The event attracts media, entertainment, and technology companies looking level up the process of creating and distributing content for global audiences. NAB announced that this...

Secure File Transfer Drives Compliance and Efficiency for Credit Unions

The unwavering protection of personally identifiable information (PII) is the foundation upon which financial and banking organizations build their services and instill trust in customers. Achieving this requires credit unions and related companies to navigate a fine balance between stringent data security and business efficiency to meet customer...

How Fast File Transfer Helps Natural Resources Companies

Moving data from the field to the office often runs into speedbumps like slow connections, dropped packets, or even failed backups. In the energy and natural resources industries, moving data is even more difficult due to the size and complexity of data collected on-site. What can organizations do to send big data reliably – and quickly? One answer is to use a fast file transfer solution. What...

How to Streamline Secure Data Exchanges

Secure Data Exchanges Don't Have to Sacrifice EfficiencyHitting “send” is as routine and frequent as sipping on coffee for many employees. And uploading a file to a third-party, vendor, or another colleague happens with that same automatic mind-set. Outside of the IT team, many employees don’t actually give a lot of thought to the journey of the data...

Comparing the Top File Transfer Protocols

With dozens of file transfer protocols to choose from, how do you know which is the best for your business?Some file transfer protocol specifications are set by trading partners – method, format, and security requirements – while others are set by internal requirements. Discover the top secure file transfer methods, and how they stack up against one...

HIPAA vs. HITRUST: The Key Differences

What is HIPAA? HIPPA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is a federal law that addresses regulatory compliance for healthcare organizations. HIPAA sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data and applies to any company that deals with protected health information (PHI). HIPAA requires healthcare...

What is India's Personal Data Protection Bill?

The EU’s GDPR paved the way for data privacy and protection laws around the world, and one of the latest is the emerging Personal Data Protection Bill in India. While organizations in India already adhere to international data privacy laws, including GDPR when serving overseas customers, as well as the restrictions set out in 2000’s Information...

Secure File Transfer for Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply chain attacks are one of the fastest-growing cyber risks that organizations face in 2022, and when it comes to supply chain risk management, organizations in every industry should pay attention.There have always been efforts to help organizations understand and mitigate risks related to supply chain, and recent initiatives, including the U.S.’s...

What Makes Audio and Music Files So Big?

If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?Yes, but without the right tools to capture, process, and send the sound, no one will ever know. The same goes for any audio file: even with the right tools, it’s nearly impossible to capture, process, and send a sound with 100 percent accuracy. And even with the right tools, certain choices you make can sacrifice sound quality.Sound has been an...

What is HITRUST Compliance?

HITRUST Compliance Helps to Manage RiskThe secure storage and transfer of sensitive data is of the utmost importance to the healthcare industry. Data security and complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is paramount, yet doing so can often be complex and difficult to maintain.This is where HITRUST comes in as a...

What is a PGP File?

What is PGP and What is It Used For?PGP is short for Pretty Good Privacy and it’s one of the most widely used technologies for encrypting and authenticating files. It can help encrypt, decrypt, authenticate, and verity various file types including emails, files, directories, disk partitions, and more.PGP, along with its offshoots Open PGP and GPG, are used so frequently because they’re flexible...

Cybersecurity Concerns in Healthcare in 2022

Every year the healthcare industry is greeted with headlines stating that ‘last year was the most-breached ever.’ And that trend is unlikely to stop in 2022. The healthcare industry has historically been one of the most-targeted by hackers, and one of the most breached by internal actors. Key reasons why include vast amounts of extra sensitive...

Fast File Transfer Terms You Should Know

When looking for an accelerated file transfer solution, you may run into an alphabet soup of acronyms and abbreviations. We’re here to help you on your quest to find the fastest file transfer solution for your business needs by clarifying what these many terms mean, and why you should care about them. First, what exactly is fast file transfer, and how much faster is it than standard file transfer...