

The Ultimate Checklist for Purchasing File Encryption Software

Every organization needs to safeguard the data they collect, store, and share with customers, trading partners, and colleagues. Many choose file encryption software, which is one of the most straightforward ways to protect your data at rest and in motion. By using one of several complex algorithms, file encryption software encodes the contents...

19 Ways to Transfer Big Files

You have choices when it comes to sending large files. You can choose to take your chances with free file transfer solutions, but they can be risky. Using a managed file transfer (MFT) solution is a reliable way to secure your data and ensure it gets where it needs to be. Here’s a few ways you can get peace-of-mind when sending your big files. ...

What is File Encryption Software?

File encryption software is a tool – either free or paid – that encodes your information so that it remains secure in motion, at rest, or both. Securing sensitive data is essential for any organization, and file encryption software does the heavy lifting. File encryption software uses one of several complex algorithms to scramble the contents of...

The Cybersecurity Dangers of the Dark Web and How to Protect Your Organization

Even as cybersecurity experts and researchers declare that the “underground golden age is over” as its top marketplaces are raided or close their doors, the dark web continues to thrive. In fact, Darkode, one of the most well-known hacking forums and black markets, recently reopened. And what are some of the most common wares at these underground...

iPaaS and MFT: What You Need to Know

Once upon a time, you carried an MP3 player to listen to music, a cell phone to text and make calls, and a book if you wanted to read. Video games and the internet? Best to use your preferred gaming device and home computer for those. Then came the smartphone – suddenly, everything is accessible from one location, and all you have to do is download the right app. Like a smartphone, iPaaS puts...

What is a Cloud Connector?

The cloud and all its possibilities for connecting with customers, vendors, trading partners, and more is exciting. Managing your organization’s transition to the cloud – whether you’re contemplating a complete migration, or just moving a few business processes to a cloud environment, secure managed file transfer and cloud integrations – makes...

How Amazon Web Services Works with GoAnywhere MFT

“Alexa, What is MFT?” While that may not be a question you’ve ever asked your virtual assistant, it’s not outside the realm of possibility – Amazon has quickly become ubiquitous for online shopping, streaming popular media, and even web hosting. Many IT teams have turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) in search of storage, content delivery, or...

35 Cybersecurity Jokes to Make Any Security Geek Chuckle (or Groan)

Good IT jokes are few and far between, especially when it comes to cybersecurity. That’s why we put on our creativity hats to brainstorm joke after joke – with a break to pull in a few of our favorites from the web – for the ultimate result: the motherlode (or should we say motherboard?) of cybersecurity jokes and puns. P.S.: we side with Alfred...

Why You Should Use File Encryption Software

File Encryption Software is “Key” What is the key to keeping your data safe? One word: Encryption. There’s no question that encrypting sensitive data at rest and in motion is essential when it comes to guarding against cyber threats and complying with local, national, or industry-standard requirements. However, if you’re still on the...

How Government Organizations Secure Data with GoAnywhere MFT

GoAnywhere MFT is an Executive Option for Government Agencies Government agencies face many significant regulations and security policies when it comes to protecting sensitive data year-round. GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) protects data confidentiality in public sector organizations by helping agencies meet the strict...

German DPAs Announce New Email Encryption Guidance

In May of 2020, substantial guidance on email encryption was issued by the German Data Protection Authorities (German DPAs) specific to personal data transferred via email. These guidelines recommend reducing the risks of a personal data breach with both end-to-end encryption and transport encryption. The new guidelines build on previous...

3 Lessons Learned from a Data Breach

Data breaches have been plaguing organizations for years and the numbers continue to climb. After a breach, an organization goes into survival mode — trying to recover data, reestablish trust, and ensure they can keep their business running. It’s understandable that there isn’t much leisure time to sit back and reflect on what could have been...

5 Ways to Tighten Cybersecurity Working from Home

Logistically, you’re good to go: employees are working from their home offices, spare rooms, and kitchen counters as if they’ve always been doing it, IT is keeping things chugging along on the back end, and you’ve even ironed out the kinks in video call happy hours. Now that your employees can successfully work from home, it’s time to circle back...

SaaS vs. Cloud vs. On-Premises: What's the Difference?

The Best Things Come in Threes SaaS, the cloud, and on-premises are all viable software deployment options when it comes to securing data and running an effective organization. The right option for your organization, however, will depend on your current operating setup, how much time your team can dedicate to upgrades and maintenance, and how...

Is Dropbox Secure?

When it comes to file sharing software, Dropbox is often top of mind: many individuals and organizations use it to simplify their file sharing, syncing, and collaboration. But how secure is Dropbox, and is it right for your organization? To break down Dropbox security effectively, we’ll explain what Dropbox is. What is Dropbox? Dropbox was...

The IT Pro's Starting Guide to Cloud Computing

The Complete Guide to Cloud Computing There’s no doubt that cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations manage, share, and secure data. Cloud computing has been embraced by organizations of all sizes and industries and is expected to be worth $623.3 billion by 2023, according to Markets and Markets. The cloud is essentially a part...

How to Help Ensure Compliance with Data Privacy Laws

How to Help Ensure Compliance with Data Privacy Laws If complying with data privacy laws like the GDPR, PDPA, CPA, HIPAA, PCI DSS, PIPEDA, and more sometimes feels like swimming in alphabet soup, there is a life preserver that can simplify, secure, and automate the processes involved. Managed file transfer can proactively help organizations meet...

How a Data Security Breach Puts Your Organization at Risk

Data breaches are, unfortunately for organizations everywhere, becoming likely events rather than worst-case scenarios, as more and more organizations are learning. There are a variety of safeguards businesses can implement to reduce their risk, but even with good data security in place, a breach can happen. So, what do you do? And what is the...

What's the Difference? AS3 vs. AS4

If you have ever delved into the Applicability Statement family tree, you may know that AS3 and AS4 don’t have much in common. But what makes these two ostensibly sequential protocols similar, and what sets them apart? And why aren’t they sequential, anyway? Read on to discover the key details that differentiate AS3 and AS4, and what makes them...

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps the Healthcare Industry Thrive

GoAnywhere MFT is Just What the Doctor Ordered The healthcare industry is a complex system full of regulations to comply with and highly sensitive data to move from one location to the next. From dramatic cost cutting, to eliminating manual processes, to strengthening data encryption and more, GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) is just what...