

What are SFTP Servers?

What are SFTP Servers? A typical file transfer server helps transfer files server-to-server or client-to-server, and SFTP servers are a more protected version: they encrypt data to keep sensitive information secure while moving files, and some have the added bonus of encrypting files at rest. SFTP servers use a single data channel in which...

What Port Does SFTP Use?

Different Protocol, Different Port Ports, also known as channels, are an integral part of the successful delivery and communication process of secure files. Although the specific protocols that operate on these ports makes the most difference, are you aware of which actual port SFTP uses? What is SFTP? SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol...

Trending in the Forum: Our Experts Answer Your MFT Questions

With so many features available through GoAnywhere MFT, you're bound to have questions as you get started. Our forums for GoAnywhere users have resources from support staff and users themselves across all industries. Read some of the most popular Q&As below: Getting Started & General Information 1. How do I Debug a Project? Using the...

Open PGP and GoAnywhere MFT: What You Need to Know

Which Solution is Right for You? Open PGP vs. GoAnywhere MFT If you have sensitive files that need to get from point A to Point B securely, you may have considered utilizing Open PGP or a managed file transfer solution, like GoAnywhere MFT. Do you know which option is the best fit for your organization? What is Open PGP? Open PGP is...

All You Need to Know About MFT as a File Transfer Solution

Learn All About Managed File Transfer Many organizations, in industries from healthcare, to banking and finance, to insurance and retail, are transitioning from programming scripts and free FTP solutions to a powerful do-it-all managed file transfer solution. Read on to find out why. What is Managed File Transfer (MFT)? Managed file...

How MFT Streamlines the Onboarding of Trading Partners

Start Streamlining Now Every company needs to onboard trading partners, and the administration of that can be time-consuming, especially if you work with a lot of different trading partners, all with unique circumstances of their own. From large retailers needing to set up EDI translation with vendors, to mom and pop shops pushing...

Should You Get Extended Customer Support? FileCatalyst’s Top 3 Reasons Why It’s Worth It

Whether you are purchasing the next trending iPhone or a powerful fast file transfer solution, support is always a bonus feature that provides you a team in your back corner. This sense of security takes a weight off of your shoulders because you know that assistance will be there to alleviate the stress that comes with updates, crashes, and more. Support is undervalued within the world of...

Netflix Series Black Mirror, Highlights Data Protection– 3 Reasons Why You Should Listen

For good or for bad, the popular NetFlix television show, Black Mirror has global audiences overwhelmed with the future possibilities for technology. The show’s creators appear to have sought out the most extreme plotlines around technological threats, leaving us with digital nightmares. While Black Mirror mainly tackles the negative aspects of the potential advancement in technology, it does...

Which is Faster: FTPS or SFTP?

FTPS vs. SFTP You may have heard of FTPS and SFTP, but chances are that you may not be super familiar with them. If you haven’t had a chance to dive in deep, read on for a more in-depth look into FTPS, SFTP, and which of the two is faster. What is FTPS? FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS), or File Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer/Transport...

5 Tips for Large File Transfers

It doesn't matter if you’re a small organization, a small-to-medium-sized (SMB) business, or an enterprise: at some point, you’ll likely need to exchange a large file transfer with a trading partner, third-party vendor, or client. If you don’t know how to support a large file transfer or lack the tools to execute it properly, this may be a...

What is Operation Yellowhammer and How Does it Affect Data Transfers?

What is Operation Yellowhammer? If you are located in the United Kingdom (UK), then you may already be familiar with Operation Yellowhammer and its relationship to Brexit and the European Union (EU). For those of you that haven’t been briefed on Operation Yellowhammer and how it relates to Brexit, now is the perfect time to learn how this...

Meeting IT Security and Compliance Requirements with GoAnywhere MFT

Meet your IT and compliance requirements easily with GoAnywhere MFT. GoAnywhere helps organizations and IT professionals comply with an array of strict regulations, methods, and technologies. To open a larger, clickable image, choose the "Download" option below. DOWNLOAD For more of an in...

Which is Better? - AS2 vs. AS4

AS2 vs. AS4 AS2 and AS4 are both popular file transfer protocols that allow businesses to exchange data securely with their business partners. However, what is the difference between them, and which of the two is better? What is AS2? AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a protocol specification that’s used to transmit sensitive data...

Why You Should Migrate from Your Current MFT Software

Is Your MFT Solution Keeping Up with Your File Transfer Requirements? With the increasing responsibilities IT professionals must juggle, including managing a myriad of daily tasks, addressing cybersecurity concerns, creating projects and business guidelines, meeting partner requests, and keeping abreast of compliance requirements, life is far...

GDPR: Understanding the 8 Rights of Data Subjects

Find out what these new rights mean for your organization and how you can prepare. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the EU’s new legal framework that replaced the EU Data Protection Directive in May 2018. While the directive was merely a recommendation, GDPR carries the force of law. The purpose of GDPR is similar to...

Think Your Customer Data was Exposed? Follow These Steps

When a prospect or customer shares personal data with a business, they expect their information will be stored securely, kept safe from vulnerabilities, and used only for the purposes with which it was collected. Whether this data is an email address, a birthday, a personal identifier, or credit card numbers, the weight of trust placed on this...

Is FTP Dead?

Is FTP still a viable option for sending file transfers? While organizations across all industries have started shifting to secure FTP protocols like SFTP and FTPS, a surprising number of businesses still use FTP to transfer sensitive documents across internal and external networks. The search "how to use FTP" comes up with over 163 million...

Why Choose Managed File Transfer Over Free File Sharing Methods?

Why Choose Managed File Transfer? It’s no secret that many organizations struggle to fully protect the sensitive data their employees, customers, trading partners, and third-party vendors share. Free file sharing software and scripts are both common ways of transferring files, even though they’re not necessarily the most secure, can be complex,...

New Zealand Healthcare Agencies Required to Eliminate Fax Machine Use and Secure Emails for Compliance by 2020

Here’s what you need to know in order to make the transition and achieve compliance with HISF Chapter 8 by 2020 Are you part of a health agency or healthcare organization in New Zealand that uses traditional fax machines or other insecure data transfer methods to share patient information and communications? If so, you’ll want to pay close...

Top 5 Reasons to Try GoAnywhere’s ROI Calculator

You know you need a managed file transfer (MFT) solution. While you see the benefit in allowing IT staff to secure and automate file transfer tasks, you also need to demonstrate the investment value to get internal buy-in. This ROI calculator can help! Not only will it show you the value of GoAnywhere MFT and how much you could save vs. your current...