

Info-Tech GoAnywhere MFT Comparison Report

GoAnywhere MFT is #1 with Real Users per Info-Tech Research Group's latest report comparing top MFT vendorsThe latest Info-Tech Report comparing leading MFT solutions shows GoAnywhere leads the file transfer industry segment in multiple categories, including:#1 in Managed File Transfer - Enterprise category#1 in Breadth and Quality of Features#1 in Usability and Intuitiveness#1 in Ease of Data...

Secure Your Cloud Data

Whether you are already moving select pieces of your business to the cloud, just starting the cloud conversation, or are considering establishing a hybrid environment, you're in good company. Organizations move to the cloud in some fashion for its flexibility, scalability, and faster deployment. However, there is still hesitancy in adapting cloud technology due to security concerns as well as...

MFT’s Role in Business: IT Leaders Weigh in

As data needs to move beyond traditional business boundaries, organizations struggle to find ways to make that happen quickly, securely, and at scale. It’s no wonder many are turning to Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions to do it. In this eBook, Fortra sits down with nine industry experts about the benefits of implementing MFT in their environments...

Streamlining Business Operations: Harnessing the Power of MFT

Say goodbye to data transfer headaches and embrace seamless connectivity with our exclusive whitepaper on Managed File Transfer (MFT). Despite FTP often the go-to for business-to-business file transfers, inadequate FTP implementations have plagued numerous businesses with major security and management challenges. Our white paper explores how to modernize and secure your FTP framework to enhance...

GoAnywhere Interactive Demo

If your organization spends too much time scripting or formulating workflows for your file transfer processes or when integrating form data into those processes, Fortra’s GoAnywhere MFT can add simplicity and security to both of these tasks. Take a look at the Advanced Workflow and Secure Forms features in GoAnywhere when you view this interactive tour.

Control in the Cloud: Using MFT to Solve Your Data Challenges

The rapid digital transformation businesses are undergoing has fundamentally changed how data is managed. Cloud implementations are taking place in all sectors across all industries to take advantage of the value-added services implemented in the cloud through efficient data management. Managing and storing data in a cloud environment delivers cost savings, flexibility, mobility, improved...

Taking File Transfer Security to Another Level

As companies move to adopt zero trust architecture, securing files and the confidential information they contain is top of mind, especially as sharing data has never been easier. Read our white paper, which covers: How to secure sensitive files and streamline the file transfer process How to protect transferred files wherever they may travel Industry-specific challenges in transferring...
Product Video

Web Client

The Web Client in GoAnywhere MFT is a modern browser-based interface allowing employees, customers, and trading partners the ability to easily exchange files on an ad hoc basis. The Web Client provides methods to safely and securely transfer files inside and outside of the network. With Secure Folders, users can access authorized files and folders on the network, and other file systems through...
Product Video

MQ Integration

GoAnywhere MFT streamlines the integration with WebSphere MQ, Active MQ, Sonic MQ and other MQ systems by sending and receiving messages with queues and topics. GoAnywhere can load the contents of a file into a message and send it to an MQ server which allows other systems to pick up that file for processing. Here is a project where an EDI file that was received from a trading partner is being...
Product Video

Project Workflows

The advanced interface in GoAnywhere MFT makes it easy to quickly build and manage your projects. The project designer is built around four main work areas. The component library is where you'll find project tasks organized by function. Just expand a pane, and then drag the component to your outline. Or double click an element to drop it right into the workflow. The project outline is a visual...
Product Video

GoAnywhere MFT Overview

If secure file transfers are critical to your organization, and you're tired of juggling multiple tools to manage the exchange of data between trading partners, vendors, customers and employees, GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer is your all-in-one solution. Unlike complicated scripts or legacy programs, GoAnywhere MFT easily automates and manages file transfers using modern data security...
Product Video

GoAnywhere MFT on Windows

GoAnywhere MFT is a Managed File Transfer solution, which streamlines the exchange of data between your systems, employees, customers, and trading partners. It provides a single point of control with extensive security settings, detailed audit trails and reports. GoAnywhere MFT's intuitive interface and comprehensive workflow features will help to eliminate the need for custom programs, scripts,...
Product Video

GoAnywhere MFT 3-Minute Demo

Watch this short demonstration to see how you can simplify and secure your file exchanges with GoAnywhere MFT. See the customizable dashboard in action, learn how MFT helps to automate and centralize your file transfer processes, and see how GoAnywhere can take you beyond MFT. ...
Product Video

Video Tour: Agents

GoAnywhere agents provide real-time remote workflow and file transfer capabilities that are controlled from a central GoAnywhere MFT server. Agents can run multi-step workflows on the systems where they are installed. These workflows can securely transfer or archive files, translate data, work with databases on the system, execute native commands, or perform other local file system tasks. ...

Why Automating Encryption and Decryption Makes Good Cybersecurity Sense

Not every message or piece of data is for everyone’s eyes. That’s the basic premise of why organizations need encryption. But how does it work? Do you need different types of encryption for different situations? Can encryption be integrated with your existing business technologies? Our guide, Why Automating Encryption and Decryption Makes Good Cybersecurity Sense, offers a quick read of the...

The GoAnywhere Book of Secure File Transfer Projects

Exchanging data securely with a Managed File Transfer (MFT) solution is just the tip of the iceberg of what a robust MFT solution like Fortra's GoAnywhere MFT can do.We’ve gathered a few use cases to help you and your IT and cybersecurity teams go beyond the basic capabilities of MFT and expand its use across your organization.From tracking weather patterns in Alaska or using automation...

How to Comply with PCI Data Security Standards

If you work for any organization that processes credit or debit cards, then you must achieve and maintain PCI DSS compliance. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a proprietary information security standard for organizations that process credit or debit cards. The standard is a moving target as it is frequently updated to address new security threats or to clarify issues...

6 Users to Put on Your Security Watch List

Most IT teams have processes in place to deal with security threats like malware, spam emails, and brute-force attacks. But while these processes provide relief of mind and protection from external data breaches, it’s not always outside hackers you have to worry about. Sometimes, security threats come from the inside. In this ebook, we cover six user types that you should put on your security...

The Role MFT Plays in Vendor Management

Anytime you're working with vendors and other third parties, you open the door to potential threats to the security of the information you exchange, even when working with an established relationship. Take a few minutes to learn more about securing your critical and valuable customer information and other data with a robust managed file transfer (MFT) solution. Discover how MFT can: Minimize...

Your Guide to a Secure Hybrid Cloud

There's a lot to learn about implementing a hybrid cloud environment. Thankfully, this white paper makes it easy. Inside your copy, you'll explore: Modern cloud statistics The difference between a hybrid cloud and a full cloud Who uses a hybrid cloud and when Considerations for cloud cybersecurity, automation, and encryption How to use a hybrid cloud in your organization You'll also learn...