
On-Demand Webinar

FileCatalyst / Dropbox Integration Overview

Summary This webinar will demonstrate how to connect FileCatalyst with your Dropbox, and dive into the benefits of UDP acceleration. Attendees will gain an understanding of how the FileCatalyst product suite may be used to compliment the already extensive Dropbox collaboration features. Who This is a great learning resource if you are: An existing FileCatalyst user A newcomer who wants to...

How Encryption Works: Everything You Need to Know

What is Data Encryption? Encryption is a method of encoding data (messages or files) so that only authorized parties can read or access that data. Encryption software uses complex algorithms to scramble the data being sent. Once received, the data can be decrypted using a key provided by the originator of the message. The effectiveness of...

Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So!

Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So! “Drive carefully,” Eat your vegetables,” “Share those toys with your brother,” “Think again about how you’re transferring all those large files!” You know, your mom’s right. She usually is. And, when it comes to transferring big files, it IS smart to adopt a best practices approach when...

Replace Your FTP Scripts to Increase Security

One too many things has gone wrong: a file didn’t arrive at its destination and you’re not sure why; your developer is out of office and you need to make a small change to your file transfer script; you logged into five different tools to schedule a simple transfer. And suddenly you realize: the time has come to move away from FTP scripts. At...

Benefits of Single Sign-on (SSO)

More than one is usually a good thing. More french fries, more vacation days, more friends. More usernames and passwords? Not so much. Organizations are increasingly turning to single sign-on (SSO) to lessen the burden of employees needing to remember endless usernames and passwords to access all the applications, websites and data to do their...

How GoAnywhere MFT Can Support You During COVID-19

Virtual Hug Coming Your Way As workforces are now more remote than ever due to COVID-19, it’s not just lagging Wi-Fi you need to keep an eye on. Files containing your organization’s most sensitive data are being put to the test, most likely no longer within the safety of your company’s firewall and not secure enough to transfer without a second...

What’s the Difference Between the Cloud and SaaS?

The Cloud vs. SaaS The cloud and SaaS may seem interchangeable when you consider their similarities. However, these two terms refer to very different things, both with their own defining characteristics. What is the Cloud? Although the cloud has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, it’s okay to not be 100% sure what...

How MFT Helps with Vendor Management

The Role MFT Plays In order to sustain, grow, and maintain daily business tasks, many organizations open the door to outside vendors and other third parties for additional support. Although this is very much necessary to do business, this can also leave the door wide open to potential threats. Even when working with a trusted and...

The 2020 MFT Data Quadrant Report is Here

Find Out Why We're #1 It's a new year, and with a new year brings a new Info-Tech Managed File Transfer Data Quadrant Report. We’re pretty excited with our ranking this year (hint: #1) and we wanted to share the news, plus highlight some of the areas we excelled in. The Overall Composite Score + NET Emotional Footprint Info-Tech's MFT Data...
On-Demand Webinar

Working Remotely With FileCatalyst Solutions

Summary Working remotely has become the new norm for many businesses. We want to provide you with information on file transfer tools that will make this process easier. In this webinar, you will learn about the FileCatalyst services and products that will result in faster file transferring speeds and enhance productive collaboration. Some Topics Covered How to increase the productivity of...

“Final Fantasy VII Remake Cancelled?” How Fast File Transfers Prevent This Situation

Over the past ten years, the gaming industry has ballooned into one of the main producers of large data files. You blink and a new gaming system is released, with accessories, games and expansion packs. In 2015 it was announced at E3 that Nintendo would be releasing a remake of the beloved Final Fantasy 7 and since then the countdown has been on. This game is jam-packed with nostalgia for many...

What are Data Silos?

Standing alone can be an uncomfortable feeling at any gathering. You may only hear part of a conversation; you might not mesh well with the others in the room; you could face a number of awkward silences, and even be rejected completely. Feeling like a lone wolf at a party is discomforting for sure. Having critical data siloed and...

Is Your File Transfer Solution Meeting Business Requirements?

Free is tempting. Understood. But free can also be a landmine when it comes to your business requirements. If your business needs include maintaining a level of security surrounding file transfers and file security (and most businesses do), take a few minutes to review the solution(s) you currently have in place. If you’re using an assortment of...

3 Ways File Transferring Advance the Healthcare Industry

The world can be an intimidating place, new battles consistently arise for the healthcare and life sciences industry. Research is the key to preventing and defeating these challenges. Often work is kept behind the scenes and the average person forgets how much data this industry creates and the importance this data holds. The files that the healthcare and life sciences industry produce could...

10 Ways to Improve Your Processes with Advanced Workflows

Whether you’re already using Advanced Workflows, in search of some tips and tricks, or haven’t explored this feature yet but are interested in learning more, you’ve come to the right place. Workflows, also known as Projects, expand and unlock superior automation for your file transfers. This module helps to enhance encryption, strengthen...

What is EFSS?

If you’ve ever had to MacGyver a way to send out a too-large file or work with a group of people on a single document, EFSS is probably what you were looking for to make the process painless: it’s a solution that makes sharing files (of any size) and collaborating in one place easy – and secure. EFSS stands for Enterprise File Syncing and...

How Does the DMZ Impact Security?

Your Secret Weapon for Data Security When weapons and military forces have been removed from active duty, this is referred to as “demilitarization.” On the internet, the demilitarized zone, or the DMZ, is a similar situation. What is the DMZ? The DMZ is the neutral network that resides between the Internet and your organization’s private...

What is NIST?

NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, is a lab and non-regulatory federal agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Founded in 1901 as a tool to boost the U.S.'s global competitiveness, NIST fosters efforts to create standards across technology systems. Today, NIST continues to push for innovation in a variety of industries...

7 Unique Ways to Use MFT for Manufacturing

While the manufacturing industry is often thought of as primarily centered around physical processes and tangible output, it also requires that electronic data files be exchanged between your trading partners, departments and government entities. These transfers, along with other key business processes, don’t have to entail hundreds of hours that...

4 Benefits of On-premises Enterprise File Sync and Sharing

The value of mission-critical business documents can't be overstated — but lax or renegade employees or trading partners can put your sensitive data at risk with reckless storage or sharing practices. Luckily, knowing that your data hasn't been exposed is as easy as implementing a secure Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) solution. There are...