

What is FISMA?

What is FISMA and How Does it Work?The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) is a 2002 United States law that outlines steps and guidelines to follow to reduce security risks to federal data. FISMA applies to all U.S. federal agencies, some state agencies, and any private sector organizations that have a contract with the U.S. government. Additionally, both the National Institute of...

The 5 Biggest PCI Compliance Breaches

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is the main information security standard for organizations that process credit or debit card information must abide by. The guidelines established in PCI DSS cover how to secure data handling processes. While most organizations work to avoid PCI compliance breaches through the...

PCI Statistics That May Shock You

If your organization processes credit or debit card information, you’re probably already familiar with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the regulatory standard enacted to prevent large data breaches like the ones you hear about frequently – the ones that make headlines for all the wrong reasons. Here are a few...

How to Comply with Brazil's Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD)

What is Brazil’s LGPD?LGPD stands for Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (General Data Protection Law), which is a law streamlining what was previously 40 separate statutes protecting personal data in Brazil. Academic research and legislation around personal data and privacy has been an active priority in Brazil, culminating in the overarching idea that...

Is FTPS or SFTP More Secure?

FTPS vs. SFTP – Level of SecurityFTPS and SFTP are two of the mainstream protocols for transferring your sensitive files, but they are not 100 percent equal when it comes to their level of security. Discover which one is more secure below.Know the Terms: GoAnywhere GlossaryWhat is FTPS?FTPS (FTP over SSL – Secure Sockets Layer) is a secure FTP...

How a Remote Workforce Impacts Your Data Security

You did it. Many months ago, you sent your employees home armed with their laptops, a few passwords, and a couple of Zoom invites. Now, hunkered down in their stretchy, comfy clothes, thankful for not having to commute, they’re carrying on the day-to-day business responsibilities for your organization. But is it really business as usual? Or is...

Top Data Breaches of 2020: How You Can Minimize Your Risks

Despite the many changes that 2020 brought, including new home offices, new (and quickly abandoned) hobbies, and new threats, some things stayed the same: numerous data breaches, disruptive hacks, and staggering fines.We thought 2019 was a momentous year for data breaches, and it even earned the name “the worst year on record” before the end of...

The Top 7 Cybersecurity Strategies for Your Business in 2021

Did you know that the average cost of a data breach is $3.92 million and almost 30% of all organizations will experience at least one breach over the next 24 months? Besides the immediate cost, such as data loss and regulatory fines, organizations also suffer from tarnished reputations, eroded customer trust, the cost of other remedial measures,...

What is the Digital Charter Implementation Act?

Introducing the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020 In November 2020, one of the biggest shakeups in the history of Canada’s privacy law, the Digital Charter Implementation Act (DCIA), was proposed and is currently on the horizon. The DCIA is composed of two separate Acts: The Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) and the Personal...

SFTP and the Cloud: How to Transfer Your Data Securely

Is SFTP Cloud Based?SFTP, Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a protocol used to transfer files between your organization, trading partners, and enterprise servers. It helps to establish a secure data connection and protect files in transit. SFTP can be used for your cloud file transfer needs, but also for any on-premises file transfers you do.SFTP...

What is Cryptojacking?

Cryptocurrency and Cryptojacking Make a Dangerous Pair With the rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies (electronic money) and their increasing acceptance as a legitimate way to purchase goods and services online, it didn’t take long for cryptojackers or cryptohackers to begin devising their schemes to mine cryptocurrency from others; and...

Give the Gift of Secure Folders, Secure Forms, and More

If you’ve already given your IT team and organization the gift of managed file transfer (MFT) for secure, streamlined file transfers of your business-critical information, wow them further with modules. GoAnywhere modules, such as Secure Forms and Secure Folders, are like the bows on top of a present – they help tie up the loose ends of your...

What is Computer Security Day?

News Flash: It’s Computer Security Day!Today, November 30, is Computer Security Day!These days, electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers are a huge part of our everyday lives. They impact how we socialize, how we work, how we get around, and so much more.Although communication has become easier, efficient, and more accessible than...

When to Use FTP vs. FTPS or SFTP

File Transfer Protocols:The ClassicsFTP, FTPS, SFTP, and SCP are four of the key protocols for transferring files. However, just because a protocol is a classic, doesn’t mean you should be using it for every kind of file transfer.If you’re not sure what protocol you should be using and for what situations, this is the perfect opportunity to learn and...

New Tech and New Hacks: How Are Cyber Risks Changing?

Like much of the tech world, cybersecurity is constantly moving forward. New data security requirements, new best practices, and new threats mean that standing still is risking being left behind. Choices that were made one, five, or 10 years ago may not hold up to the latest best practices or hacking threats, and could hold your organization...

Compliance for Healthcare: Secure File Transfer Holds the Key

Complying with your doctor’s recommendations is the primary key to feeling good and staying healthy. Complying with the healthcare industry’s security standards and personal data protection requirements holds the key to avoiding an audit failure, paying steep fines, or trying to heal from the impact of a data breach. Sure, you can meet stringent...

How MFT Agents Support Hybrid Cloud

What is Hybrid Cloud? Hybrid cloud combines private and public cloud services to collect, process, store, and exchange data. Secure hybrid cloud solutions are one of the most popular cloud environment strategies today, in part because they offer organizations greater flexibility than infrastructure that is either fully on-prem or fully in the...

TFTP vs FTP: Or is There a Better Option?

When it comes to transferring sensitive data, there’s nothing trivial about it. The risks of doing it insecurely are high; the costs of a data breach – astronomical. So, if you’re still using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) or slightly more secure FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer your organization’s files you probably want to explore...

The Ultimate Checklist for Purchasing File Encryption Software

Every organization needs to safeguard the data they collect, store, and share with customers, trading partners, and colleagues. Many choose file encryption software, which is one of the most straightforward ways to protect your data at rest and in motion. By using one of several complex algorithms, file encryption software encodes the contents...

How to Implement the Right Enterprise File Sharing Solution

Implementation 101An enterprise file sharing solution is an important tool for organizations to have. The benefits are practically endless – from ensuring compliance with data regulations, to streamlining transfers with automation, to the auditing and reporting capabilities – implementing the right tool is key.However, the act of implementing the...