

PDPA in Singapore Helps Protect Personal Data

What is the PDPA of 2012? The Personal Data Protection Act of 2012 (PDPA) is a law designed to regulate and enforce the proper collection, use, disclosure, and care of the personal data of citizens in the Republic of Singapore. The Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) is charged with establishing policies and for reviewing organizational...

Making a Case for MFT

You’re not on trial when you present a new tool or software to internal stakeholders, but it can certainly feel that way some days. Making the case to adopt managed file transfer software can also be trying; while the solution is evident to you, your audience may need some convincing. Read all our tips or check out the resources below to make...

Should You Use a File Sharing App?

Should You Use a File Sharing App? File sharing apps like Dropbox and Google Drive certainly have their appeal. They are user-friendly, often free, and do the job of getting information from one user to another. Until they don’t. Or, until your files are hacked, get into the wrong hands, live in infamy, have unrestricted access, or are...

7 Essential Resources on PCI DSS Security

Note from the Editor: This article was originally published in February 2017. It has been updated with resources current to PCI DSS version 3.2.1. Did you know that 80% of organizations are not compliant with PCI DSS requirements? That means, if you’re reading this, there’s a pretty good chance your company needs to make adjustments to...

SCP vs. SFTP: Which is Better?

The Secure File Sharing Matchup: Differences Between SFTP and SCP When sizing up SFTP vs. SCP you’ll find that the two file sharing protocols are quite similar. And, for some file transfer situations, they could be nearly interchangeable. Your need for speed, functionality and security will determine which protocol is best for you. First, the...

Transferring Big Files: Everything You Need to Know

We’ve all done it. Held our breath, crossed our fingers, or simply hoped for the best when hitting “send” to electronically share a large file. With a solid managed file transfer (MFT) in place, that critical keystroke doesn’t have to be so tense. With MFT, users can confidently move previously unwieldly files, knowing that delivery to a trading...

What is Secure File Sharing?

What is Secure File Sharing? Secure is the operative word here. Dozens of applications allow you to transfer files – small to large – between different users or organizations. A secure file transfer solution, at its most basic, secures the movement of files while at rest and in transit confidentially – all within a protected mode. Secure file...

Need a Cloud-Based MFT Environment? Try a Hybrid Cloud Setup

Cloud integration is growing in popularity, but committing 100% to the cloud isn’t always practical or secure for organizations. If you’re in the market for cloud-based solutions, read our quick overview below. For a more comprehensive exploration of when to choose a hybrid cloud and how keep your data encrypted through and after the transition...

10 Cybersecurity Tips and Best Practices

The 10 Best Cybersecurity Tips and Practices – as Told by IT Professionals Although there’s a lot of tips and best practices out there when it comes to cybersecurity, it’s important to make sure they’re coming from the right source. With October being National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to brush up on some of...

What are SFTP Servers?

What are SFTP Servers? A typical file transfer server helps transfer files server-to-server or client-to-server, and SFTP servers are a more protected version: they encrypt data to keep sensitive information secure while moving files, and some have the added bonus of encrypting files at rest. SFTP servers use a single data channel in which...

What Port Does SFTP Use?

Different Protocol, Different Port Ports, also known as channels, are an integral part of the successful delivery and communication process of secure files. Although the specific protocols that operate on these ports makes the most difference, are you aware of which actual port SFTP uses? What is SFTP? SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol...

Trending in the Forum: Our Experts Answer Your MFT Questions

With so many features available through GoAnywhere MFT, you're bound to have questions as you get started. Our forums for GoAnywhere users have resources from support staff and users themselves across all industries. Read some of the most popular Q&As below: Getting Started & General Information 1. How do I Debug a Project? Using the...

Open PGP and GoAnywhere MFT: What You Need to Know

Which Solution is Right for You? Open PGP vs. GoAnywhere MFT If you have sensitive files that need to get from point A to Point B securely, you may have considered utilizing Open PGP or a managed file transfer solution, like GoAnywhere MFT. Do you know which option is the best fit for your organization? What is Open PGP? Open PGP is...

All You Need to Know About MFT as a File Transfer Solution

Learn All About Managed File Transfer Many organizations, in industries from healthcare, to banking and finance, to insurance and retail, are transitioning from programming scripts and free FTP solutions to a powerful do-it-all managed file transfer solution. Read on to find out why. What is Managed File Transfer (MFT)? Managed file...

How MFT Streamlines the Onboarding of Trading Partners

Start Streamlining Now Every company needs to onboard trading partners, and the administration of that can be time-consuming, especially if you work with a lot of different trading partners, all with unique circumstances of their own. From large retailers needing to set up EDI translation with vendors, to mom and pop shops pushing...

Should You Get Extended Customer Support? FileCatalyst’s Top 3 Reasons Why It’s Worth It

Whether you are purchasing the next trending iPhone or a powerful fast file transfer solution, support is always a bonus feature that provides you a team in your back corner. This sense of security takes a weight off of your shoulders because you know that assistance will be there to alleviate the stress that comes with updates, crashes, and more. Support is undervalued within the world of...

Netflix Series Black Mirror, Highlights Data Protection– 3 Reasons Why You Should Listen

For good or for bad, the popular NetFlix television show, Black Mirror has global audiences overwhelmed with the future possibilities for technology. The show’s creators appear to have sought out the most extreme plotlines around technological threats, leaving us with digital nightmares. While Black Mirror mainly tackles the negative aspects of the potential advancement in technology, it does...

Which is Faster: FTPS or SFTP?

FTPS vs. SFTP You may have heard of FTPS and SFTP, but chances are that you may not be super familiar with them. If you haven’t had a chance to dive in deep, read on for a more in-depth look into FTPS, SFTP, and which of the two is faster. What is FTPS? FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS), or File Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer/Transport...
Case Study


Read this case study to learn how FileCatalyst solutions were able to ensure seamless and fast file transfers for CONMEBOL and MEDIAPRO.

5 Tips for Large File Transfers

It doesn't matter if you’re a small organization, a small-to-medium-sized (SMB) business, or an enterprise: at some point, you’ll likely need to exchange a large file transfer with a trading partner, third-party vendor, or client. If you don’t know how to support a large file transfer or lack the tools to execute it properly, this may be a...