Moving Data to Amazon S3 Storage at Maximum Speed
Flexibility is the key to happiness and ultimately, productivity. Your company should be flooded with options in regards to object storage compatibility, and that is why FileCatalyst integrates with several object storage solutions. We understand that customization is important, that every company has its own unique requirements. In this blog post series, we will explore popular object storage integrations.
Today we will examine the FileCatalyst integration with Amazon S3. As a fast file transfer based company, creating an accelerated and comprehensive way to migrate data to S3 was naturally a necessity. We wanted to ensure that AWS, a pioneer in Cloud Computing, was recognized within our transferring capabilities. In 2006 AWS relaunched, this is when S3 was introduced to the world. At the time, Amazon S3 was one of the first cloud storage services available on the market. When it launched, it announced that it would have several different storage classes including; S3 Standard, S3 Intelligent-Tiering, S3 Standard-IA, S3 One Zone-IA, S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. Each storage class has different capabilities and responses to different needs, based on the cost of the service, the durability of the data and the use case.
Many companies have chosen to move their storage to the cloud and that is why we made sure to integrate with cloud storage solutions. Some benefits companies experience when selecting cloud storage versus on-premises storage are that their agility increases, they lower their costs and their security is strengthened.
With these benefits in mind, our integration ensures that your data gets transferred reliably to and from your S3 storage. You will find FileCatalyst Direct Server available to use through AWS Marketplace, however, it can be installed in your own instance, within your AWS account (VPC, marketplace, etc.)
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Additionally, there are two common deployment scenarios we want to highlight.
Image 1) FileCatalyst Server installed in AWS in an EC2 instance
Image 2) FileCatalyst Client and FileCatalyst Server installed on Premise
When you select FileCatalyst as your solution to transfer your data to and from S3, you do not need to purchase anything extra, everything you need is already built-in. FileCatalyst can also work with IAM roles; in order to access S3 without the need for storing credentials, make sure to run your EC2 instance with an appropriate IAM Role assigned to it. FileCatalyst also implemented the multipart capabilities to transfer the files to S3 using our multi-stream FTP.
To get the most out of this integration, we recommended that FileCatalyst is installed as close as possible to the region and Availability Zone where the bucket resides. FileCatalyst Server and the FileCatalyst client need to be in the same region, AZ (Availability Zone), VPC, and Subnet. Our speeds will get your files to and from S3 faster. FileCatalyst can transfer up to 5 Gbps per single file and up to 10 Gbps with multiple files using AWS infrastructure. If you’re curious to learn more about our integration with Amazon S3, we have a webinar that dives deeper into the infrastructure. Stay tuned for the next post in this series where we will examine our integration with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.