

What is MFT and How Does It Work?

Compared to using a variety of standalone FTP and SFTP tools and scripts, managed file transfer (MFT) technology allows professionals to streamline how data is transferred. MFT helps organizations send and receive files in the cloud and across their private networks, create and control workflows, automate business processes, and centralize management from a single system. What is MFT? Managed...

7 Steps to Protect Yourself Against Corporate Spear Phishing

Anyone with an email account is used to spam. It happens one day: you get that first unsolicited email, and then a flood of ads, flash sale offers, and foreign bank transaction requests rushes into your inbox. In that moment, the battle for your virtual sanity begins. But while spam emails are mostly harmless—you tend to see them from a mile away and respond accordingly—spear phishing emails...

8 Ways to Protect Your Healthcare Organization from a Data Breach

In 2020, there were 642 data breaches of healthcare organizations. That’s a new record, up 25 percent from the previous year. In these breaches, the records of millions of Americans were exposed. These incidents occurred at all types of organizations in the industry, including clinics, insurance providers and their health system business associates. If you’re in the healthcare industry...

A Reflection on NAB: Media Industry Trends, Challenges and How the Industry is Responding

After getting back from the NAB show this year, I have been thinking about some of the media industry trends that present changes, as well as the opportunities. The industry as a whole has been in a state of change: the content itself is rapidly becoming larger, workflows are changing and becoming more dispersed, the way we archive media is changing...

MFT Agents: Definition, Differences and Use Cases

In GoAnywhere’s latest product release of its Managed File Transfer solution, MFT agent capabilities were introduced. The following resource aims to help readers understand what MFT agents are, the difference between a traditional MFT deployment and an MFT agent deployment and some example use cases. For further questions, open the Live Chat box...

The State of File Transfer Security

Note from the Editor: This article shares highlights from an older report. For the latest on data security and best practices for keeping file transfers safe, visit our Data Security page or check out the latest additions to our blog. The 2017 Cybersecurity Trends Report was recently released by Crowd Research Partners. The report covers many aspects of cybersecurity, such as general...

How to Create a Cybersecurity Policy for Your Organization

The cyberattacks and data breaches that make the news are usually the ones that happen at big corporations like TJX or Home Depot. But every organization, large or small, needs to be concerned about cybersecurity. According to Security Magazine, the average cost of a data breach for a small business is between $36,000 and $50,000. And while the...

TransferAgent Brings the Power of Filecatalyst to the Simplicity of a Web Browser

I just finished watching a webinar our president, John Tkaczewski, gave on the new version 4.9.9 of FileCatalyst Workflow and it was a great learning experience. He gave an in-depth overview of TransferAgent and outlined its features past and new. It was really interesting stuff, so I thought I would write a blog article that outlines some of these new features. Consider this a supplementary piece...

SSL and file transfers, the marriage of all marriages

The support team here at FileCatalyst team polled our customers who are using FileCatalyst Central v3.6 and asked what type of improvements they would like to see in our next release of Central. Security was a topic of interest to our customers, and they were asking us about the things we are doing in terms of security. With this in mind, we have taken steps with SSL that has secured our software...

Still Using SHA-1 to Secure File Transfers? It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Securing information is rising in importance for organizations worldwide. Using outdated technology is extremely risky, yet many organizations continue to do so because of legacy systems that don’t allow them to upgrade, lack of resources and time to upgrade, or they are simply unaware of the risks. The commonly used SHA-1 algorithm is a perfect...

10 Shocking PCI DSS Compliance Statistics

If you work for any organization that processes credit or debit card information, you’ve heard of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the regulatory standard aimed at preventing costly data breaches like the ones you may have heard about at Home Depot or TJX. But how much do you really know about PCI DSS compliance? Here are some interesting PCI DSS compliance statistics...

Moving Big Data in the Oil & Gas Industry

Did you know it takes over $100 million to drill a deep-water well? Holding true to the cliched phrase oil and gas companies know all too well: it takes money to make money. The deep digging associated with the oil and gas industry requires equally deep pockets. When it comes to making the big business decisions required in the oil and gas industry, major companies like Shell, BP, Chevron, BHP...

No Such Thing as a Free File Transfer, Part 2: Cost-effective Security

With new corporate data breaches in the news seemingly every day, it’s no surprise that security is a top concern for IT professionals. However, file transfers are an area where many companies are still vulnerable. Most file transfers still use FTP, a protocol that comes with inherent risks. Other common file transfer solutions, like file...

No Such Thing as a Free File Transfer, Part I: How MFT Saves Time

Every business engages in some kind of information exchange, whether it’s a small retailer attaching an invoice to an email or a hospital sending hundreds of patient records between departments. Some methods of exchanging files, like a basic FTP server or a file sharing app, seem like an inexpensive way to deal with your transfers. In the...

The Benefits of File Transfer Automation

Organizations today are challenged with maximizing their resources in a fiercely competitive environment. Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Lost time is never found again.” This is a problem that IT departments of all sizes have become familiar with. Take, for example, an IT staff member who spends countless hours waiting on inbound and...

How To: Change Emulation Mode in Internet Explorer to Load TransferAgent Properly

Any FileCatalyst application that previously used embedded Java applets in a browser has a migration path to FileCatalyst TransferAgent. Moving forward with this solution, we have been able to bring functionality of this product Google Chrome v42 and newer. Firefox v40 and newer. Internet Explorer v10 and newer. In Internet Explorer, users have found that the application “stalls” at...

Four Modern Alternatives to FTP Explained

Read about the latest alternatives to FTP: Five Secure File Transfer Alternatives to FTP Today's data-driven world is demanding, requiring accuracy, speed, integrity and above all -- security. It's a tall order to fill, and in the past, many organizations relied heavily on the legacy FTP protocol to transmit files. But over time, FTP alternatives have become necessary as the security of...

Bringing content to life with Aframe

If you’ve ever tried to send a large video file, you know what a time consuming process it can be. For the production pros using Aframe – the world’s most powerful video collaboration platform – they need to transfer thousands of videos every day. Imagine how long this would take using standard FTP. ...

3 Steps to Safeguarding Company Data and Limiting Risk

Security professionals of today are inundated with headlines about the potential consequences of a data breach. Making headlines for a data breach can cost you – and more than just reparations or a fine. Data breaches are the worst of bad press and can impact your finances for years to come. As security professionals work to manage...

Picking up right where we left off with the 2016 Rio Olympic Games

Over the years, we have had the privilege of working with many customers and partners who have benefited from the FileCatalyst technology and this year, that privilege continues. Once again, NBC Sports and FileCatalyst join forces to deliver seamless coverage of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. During the Games, NBC Olympics will utilize FileCatalyst technology to move data over a 5 Gbps link between...