

What is Wrong With Free File Transfer?

Free time! Free food! Free kittens! All great concepts, right? Free file transfers! Ummmm, not so much. The old adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is…” definitely holds when it comes to file transfers. After all, the data you send to third-parties, vendors, customers and even internal staff is priceless and, in the wrong hands...

How Advanced Workflows Goes Beyond the Surface

Imagine taking one of your monstrous, days-long tasks and condensing it into just a few clicks. With Advanced Workflows, you can do just that: set up a task once and let GoAnywhere MFT do the rest. The full scope of Advanced Workflows is vast; dive deep into this popular Project-builder that helps you automate and manipulate data movement throughout...

What's the Difference Between AS2, AS3, and AS4?

If you think these three protocols are simply sequential updates from the 1990s’ AS1 protocol you’d be mistaken. Each protocol brings its own distinct features to the data transmission table. Here’s a few key differences between them.What is AS2?AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a protocol specification used to transmit sensitive data securely and...

Going Beyond File Transfer

Intergalactic – or at least global – organizations of all sizes use GoAnywhere MFT to securely transfer data while saving time, money, and valuable resources. But moving files from one place to another is just the start of the GoAnywhere adventure.GoAnywhere MFT has built-in elements that anyone can access from their first login alongside pick-and...

Get Acquainted with Our Glossary

Meet Our GlossaryTech terminology is always expanding and growing, and it’s not slowing down any time soon as the world becomes more reliant on technology in the workforce and beyond.Finding the right outlet for exploring and learning technical terms can be a hit or miss, but GoAnywhere’s glossary is a knockout.Why a Glossary?As the endless amounts of...

What is the California Consumer Privacy Act?

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the latest data privacy law in the Golden State, went into effect on January 1st, 2020. Some have compared it to the UK’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and they’re not far off – like the GDPR, the CCPA is intended to protect individuals’ private data by making data collection and usage more...

How to Evaluate MFT Vendors

How to Evaluate MFT VendorsYou know you want one – a powerful managed file transfer (MFT) solution – that enterprise solution that’ll make life easier, support multiple secure protocols, help you meet compliance regulations, alert you when transfers fail, restart them, and more. But, how do you know which MFT solution is right for you and your...

How Are Your Peers Utilizing Automation in GoAnywhere?

The Uses are EndlessIt’s no secret that automation is a great way to boost your business. It can save time, money, and important resources. But how is it being used by your peers on a day-to-day basis? Read on for some examples straight from your peers’ own personal experiences automating their file transfer processes.Adams County, ColoradoAdams...

5 Projects You Could Tackle with a GoAnywhere Trial

It's happened to us all – you start a free software trial, only to get stuck at step 2: what to do first? Plotting a plan of attack before your first login can help you get the most out of your limited time with the product (and might even help you down the line when you're making the case for adoption to your internal stakeholders). Whether you...

Is Automation All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

Automation is KeyWe’ve all had our moments of being skeptical when something sounds too good to be true. However, automation is no joking matter. Automation is a great way to boost your business by saving time, money, and important resources. What is Automation?Automation is the use of electronics and/or computer...

Top Data Breaches of 2019: How You Can Minimize Your Risks

Top Data Breaches of 2019: How You Can Minimize Your RiskYour organization made the headlines! That’s great, right? Not if it’s because you had sensitive data breached. A data breach can wreak financial and logistical havoc for you, your customers, patients, employees, and others. More importantly, it can severely impact the reputation you’ve so...

Resolve to Make Files More Secure in the New Year

Make Resolutions - AND Keep ThemResolutions. Every year you make them. Every year you break them. Make 2020 the year you finally resolve to make your file transfers more secure. Do it — even if you’re a stranger to the gym, you still sport those extra 10 pounds and haven’t called your mom in a week.Don’t wait until mid-January to feel guilty about...

Best Practices to Share Large Files

Sharing large files is critical for most businesses, but how do you ensure files make it to the right people — and not everyone else? When considerations like security, bulk transfers, and tracking come into play, businesses need more than a one-off solution to share files with employees, customers, and trading partners.Luckily, there are a lot of...

8 Surprising Ways to Use GoAnywhere's Secure Folders Module

What is Secure Folders? Secure Folders is a licensed module GoAnywhere MFT offers its users. It provides access to authorized files and folders on the server or network location through a HTTPS Web Client. However, it can do so much more with its array of features. Read on to learn 8 surprising ways to use GoAnywhere’s Secure Folders module....

What is PIPEDA?

PIPEDA, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, is a privacy law that applies to private-sector organizations and businesses throughout Canada.The goal of PIPEDA is to ensure that all provinces and territories protect personal data. This includes:Asking for and obtaining consent when an individual’s information is initially...

How Banks are Benefiting from MFT Integration

Trying to integrate and tie diverse internal and external banking applications, branches, systems and trading partners together so they work seamlessly with internal and central banking applications can have your IT department constantly untangling complex knots to ensure transactions and information flows easily.There is a way to untangle this...

What is an MFT Server and How Do I Use It?

An MFT server is any server that is using a managed file transfer (MFT) solution to improve data transfers. An MFT solution is software that simplifies server-to-server file transfers, and typically encrypts, automates, and monitors processes, whether inside an organization or to outside trading partners.What is MFT and Why Should I Use It?Managed...

Real-Life Ways GoAnywhere Saves Your Peers Time, Money, and Resources

It’s Time to Get Real Let’s be real – time, money, and resources are all equally valuable in the business world. If you’re looking for a solution that can help you substantially save all three in your everyday life, look no further than GoAnywhere. Time After Time Time after time, GoAnywhere can help you maximize the time you have and keep...

PDPA in Singapore Helps Protect Personal Data

What is the PDPA of 2012?The Personal Data Protection Act of 2012 (PDPA) is a law designed to regulate and enforce the proper collection, use, disclosure, and care of the personal data of citizens in the Republic of Singapore. The Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) is charged with establishing policies and for reviewing organizational actions...

Making a Case for MFT

You’re not on trial when you present a new tool or software to internal stakeholders, but it can certainly feel that way some days. Making the case to adopt managed file transfer software can also be trying; while the solution is evident to you, your audience may need some convincing. Read all our tips or check out the resources below to make sure you...