

Public Defender’s Office Reduces Manual Data Entry with Secure File Transfer Software

Every organization has legacy processes. Manual data entry, file cabinets full of paper records, sensitive documents sent across the organization by email, or even file transfers sent via homegrown scripts or FTP—all these processes can cause more headaches than their worth. Unfortunately, implementing a new strategy to replace a legacy one isn...

10 Ways to Achieve Automatic File Transfers with GoAnywhere MFT

Here’s a fun fact: When it comes to streamlining file transfer processes, secure FTP automation software is the supporting sidekick to any IT or cybersecurity professional.Like Robin supports Batman and Hawkeye supports Marvel’s Avengers, automatic file transfer software can support your pursuit for top notch cybersecurity, compliance, and encryption...

IT Pros in Healthcare: How to Choose a Secure File Transfer Solution

Every healthcare provider wants to avoid being the next data breach headline—and unfortunately, we have seen many incidents and their consequences in 2018 so far. The causes of these data breaches range from wrongly configured databases to successful malware attacks and unauthorized user access.For those looking to avoid the pain, embarrassment, and...

2018 Cybersecurity Concerns in Healthcare and How to Address Them

The first few weeks of January always seem to be accompanied by an influx of new cybersecurity trends, forecasts, and concerns. As expected, 2018 has followed this pattern—and with the need for secure patient information growing ever more critical and the arrival of GDPR in May, it’s no surprise that healthcare experts are deep in conversation about...

Are Your Electronic Health Records (EHRs) Secure?

Since moving to Electronic Health Records and modern EHR technology, the healthcare industry has taken great strides to enhance patient care, internal workflows, and business-to-business communication. These improvements bring organizations closer and closer to full integration with others in the industry; a goal that will, once fully achieved,...

8 Ways to Protect Your Healthcare Organization from a Data Breach

In 2020, there were 642 data breaches of healthcare organizations. That’s a new record, up 25 percent from the previous year. In these breaches, the records of millions of Americans were exposed. These incidents occurred at all types of organizations in the industry, including clinics, insurance providers and their health system business associates.If you’re in the healthcare industry, here are...

HIPAA Compliance: Guide Details How MFT Helps

Are your file transfers HIPAA compliant? Is your healthcare organization at risk for fines, or worse - a data breach of sensitive patient information? Many healthcare IT teams meet these broad questions with unease. After all, the ramifications of a healthcare data breach can impact organizations and individuals for years to come as well as have...

Why Healthcare Organizations Need a Secure Data Transfer Solution

The last few years were scary in terms of healthcare cybersecurity. A hack of Banner Health breached up to 3.7 million records. Another data breach at 21st Century Oncology resulted in multiple lawsuits being filed against the organization. When a third party gained unauthorized access to computer systems at Valley Anesthesiology and Pain Consultants, almost 900 thousand patients, employees, and...

The Benefits of File Transfer Automation

Organizations today are challenged with maximizing their resources in a fiercely competitive environment. Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Lost time is never found again.” This is a problem that IT departments of all sizes have become familiar with. Take, for example, an IT staff member who spends countless hours waiting on inbound and...

How to Build a Framework for HIPAA and HITECH Compliance

HIPAA, established in 1996, was signed into law to outline the appropriate ways to use and disclose patient health information. Read on to learn how to develop a HIPAA- and HITECH-compliant IT framework for your organization.Why Does HITECH Exist?HITECH laws were enacted to up the ante on healthcare organizations to meet HIPAA legal compliance for...

Addressing HIPAA and HITECH Compliance Challenges

HIPAA and HITECH regulations were designed and enacted to increase the security surrounding personal health information from those who should not have access to it. Next to finance, the healthcare industry is one of the most regulated industries around. While debates on the cost, structure, and delivery of healthcare continues, most people agree that...

Meeting Compliance Regulations and Privacy Laws for Sensitive Data Transfers

Comply with Data Security Requirements Highly sensitive data is exchanged between organizations on a constant basis making data security compliance more vital than ever to keep communication flowing. For instance, if a business routinely transmits financial information to their bank including payroll direct deposits and ACH payments, these...