Here’s a fun fact: When it comes to streamlining file transfer processes, secure FTP automation software is the supporting sidekick to any IT or cybersecurity professional.
Like Robin supports Batman and Hawkeye supports Marvel’s Avengers, automatic file transfer software can support your pursuit for top notch cybersecurity, compliance, and encryption practices. This software can run tasks, encrypt files, retrieve trading partner documents from shared folders, and alert you to any time-sensitive errors—all without ever distracting you (the hero of this story) from the real responsibilities at hand: keeping the business on track for success and secure from external threats.
Secure FTP automation software makes every IT professional’s life a little easier. File transfers run in batch (and multiple batches can run at once), meaning you don’t need to spend extra time processing file transfers manually for the multitude of business partners who need information exchanged quickly and securely with your organization. Detailed activity is logged automatically. Alerts are there to tell you if something’s wrong, so you don’t need to wait to hear from a stakeholder that they never received the data they asked for, and the sky’s the limit for tasks: dozens of tasks for data translation, loops, compression, and more that can be added to your file transfer automation project, making your workflows useful for more than just sending files to others.
How can you achieve file transfer automation like this? Easy. Equip your sidekick with a super suit that complements your organization’s brand, goals, and requirements. In this case, give your file transfers powerful automatic file transfer software like GoAnywhere MFT.
Achieve Better File Transfer Automation in Your Organization
GoAnywhere MFT is a secure FTP automation software alternative from Fortra . MFT, short for managed file transfer, provides powerful and flexible file transfer automation for busy IT and cybersecurity professionals. With support for industry standard file transfer protocols, encryption technologies, auditing and reporting, file sharing and collaboration, and more, GoAnywhere is always ready to help you tackle today's biggest compliance requirements and cybersecurity threats.
If you’re bogged down by file transfer tasks and manual ad-hoc transfers, or if you’re looking to improve your current file transfer automation processes, let GoAnywhere respond to the call. Here are 10 ways GoAnywhere MFT can support your automatic file transfer software needs:
1. You can define multi-step workflows for your file transfers in GoAnywhere.
GoAnywhere allows you to build comprehensive workflows that execute any pre- and post-transfer tasks you might have. With over 100 tasks to choose from, including ones for compression, data translation, and file encryption, you can have GoAnywhere perform special processes or connect to other applications, thus reducing the time you spend on a file transfer before and after it completes.
2. You can execute projects at the dates and times you set.
Scheduling your file transfers and projects to run in advance can reduce the amount of time you need to spend manually kicking off daily and weekly file transfers. With GoAnywhere’s built-in scheduler, you can set a file transfer to run on a one-time basis or can schedule it to execute at the frequency you pick (every hour, day, month, etc.). Custom calendars can be defined to exclude holidays or dates when you don’t want the scheduler to run.
3. You can configure GoAnywhere to monitor key folders for you.
GoAnywhere’s ability to monitor files allows you to automatically scan the folders you pick (in your network or on SFTP and FTPS servers) for new, changed, or deleted files. Paired with GoAnywhere’s 100+ workflow tasks, file monitoring can do the heavy lifting for you: for example, you can have it scan a folder for trading partner files, grab any new or changed files that appear, and process them—all without your supervision.
4. You can have GoAnywhere send you notifications when triggered events occur.
Let’s say you want to automatically process any files that are uploaded by a partner into a folder you’re monitoring, but you still want to know when the workflow completes successful or unsuccessfully. You can achieve this with GoAnywhere’s notifications. Whether the job finishes or not, GoAnywhere can send you an email notification or text message alerting you as such.
5. You can launch file transfers from remote systems, applications, and integrations.
Automatic file transfers don’t happen in a vacuum. We know you probably have other programs, systems, applications, and integrations that you need to connect to and communicate with. As such, GoAnywhere automation projects and workflows can be called from command lines, scripts, and programs using commands and APIs. GoAnywhere processses can also be called as web services using SOAP or REST requests.
6. You can execute multiple projects concurrently with a job management system.
Depending on the size of your organization, you may have a high volume of file transfers to send, retrieve, and process every day. GoAnywhere supports this volume and can execute multiple automation projects concurrently. The job management system included in the product allows administrators to add multiple job queues in order to group projects that share common characteristics or service level agreements. Each queue defines the priority of their jobs (i.e., which jobs should run first) and contains details on the maximum number of concurrent jobs that can be executed from the queue. The job management system gives you full control of your file transfers—and peace of mind knowing it can hold up under the weight of a successful file transfer landscape.
7. You can test and debug your projects and workflows in a safe environment.
GoAnywhere’s Debug mode allows users to interactively execute tasks one step at a time. At each point in the multi-step workflow you’re viewing, the values for the variables can be viewed or changed before the next task is executed. This gives you a safe place to test changes or troubleshoot errors in any workflows you have and cuts down on the more traditional method of testing workflow: searching for errors and making updates blindly.
8. You can reduce the time it takes to exchange files and perform other jobs.
With GoAnywhere's automatic file transfer software, you can automate almost anything: the delivery of files, the execution of encryption, the interaction of GoAnywhere with other applications in your environment, and more.
If you process a high volume of file transfers in your organization, GoAnywhere’s automation can reduce the time you or your team spend on manual processes and file tracking, giving you more time to take care of the job responsibilities that affect your organization’s bottom line. Calculate the ROI you could see from file transfer automation.
9. You can get started easily with GoAnywhere’s wizards & templates.
Use GoAnywhere’s intuitive workflow wizard to build new workflows and projects quickly. Cut back on the manual time it takes to build a project; you can drag-and-drop tasks and steps into the wizard to see what your new workflow looks like immediately. For admins with even less time, GoAnywhere’s workflow templates are readily available and will get you started with new processes and file transfer automation projects in a matter of minutes.
10. You can reap the benefits of two other modules: MFT Agents and Secure Forms.
Automation doesn’t stop at file transfers. You can also use GoAnywhere's secure FTP automation software to automate file transfers and workflows on remote systems and in the cloud with GoAnywhere’s MFT Agents module. These agents are managed from a central product deployment and allow you to easily configure and schedule transfers across your enterprise.
The Secure Forms module also allows you to create custom forms for your organization and send them to users via public and private links. Files that are uploaded and submitted to these forms are encrypted and can be automated once they’re delivered to GoAnywhere for processing. Form values can also be processed through workflow triggers.
Improve your file transfer automation with a trusty sidekick
Need a sidekick for file transfer automation? A free 30-day trial will give you access to GoAnywhere’s automation features, including the Advanced Workflows, MFT Agents, and Secure Forms modules, so you can see how MFT automation benefits your file transfers.