

Optimized UI and Built-in Security Can Boost MFT Usage; Minimize Risk

Human behavior can be the driving force behind whether a software solution, such as Managed File Transfer (MFT), is successfully adopted by employees or is discarded in favor of familiar, or even clunky, legacy script solutions. Organizations weighing their file transfer software options should consider the solution’s user interface (UI), as well as its built-in security features and controls to...

Sharing Financial Files: Benefits of MFT

Financial file matters matter. Not only are these files a top priority to the banks and financial institutions that handle millions of transactions daily, they also matter to the industry’s compliance regulators, and to the public trusting that their financial information is secured. How organizational and personal financial data is handled and...

How MFT Helps Move Large Files

What is Needed to Move Large Files? Big files need big solutions, or rather solutions capable of reliably and securely moving files in and out of an organization. Instead of relying on free or open-sourced solutions that “might” move a big file, consider your organization’s needs around file sizes, security, encryption, compliance requirements for...

Do More with Less: How to Improve Efficiency with MFT

With the employment environment changing nearly every week, the ability of teams to do more with less – whether that’s a smaller budget or head count – is more important than ever. Incorporating smart technology solutions, such as managed file transfer (MFT) is a proactive, efficient move to help your organization better secure the lifeblood of your...

Agents offer Remote, Automated File Transfer Solutions

Call my agent! What might be a long shot in Hollywood is a sure thing when it comes to managed file transfers (MFT). MFT agents are lightweight applications that do a lot of heavy lifting to automate your file transfers and workflows – remote and on-premises – throughout your enterprise, saving you time and money. If your organization needs to...

Education Industry: How MFT Can Help Stretch Resources

Educational institutions, from preschools to university systems, face increasing pressure on budgets as well as personnel lately. When every minute and every dollar counts, bolstering existing resources where possible can offer a bit of relief. One way to stretch those human resources is by automating some of the tasks that are repetitive, mundane,...

How to Send Big Files Quickly

Big and fast. Speedy and large. It’s a combination that’s sometimes tricky to execute, especially when it comes to sending large data files rapidly. Do you sacrifice speed? Do you risk having files interrupted mid-stream? Or do you roll the dice and hope your file won’t be rejected from the starting gate? You don’t have to make these kinds of...

Best Practices to Share Large Files for Work

There are thousands of ways you could share large files, both with your colleagues or with friends and family: you can choose from half a dozen popular file storage and synchronization services, specialized one-time services, or even email. But there are some differences in best practices when it comes to personal versus work file sharing, and...

The Top Tips for Optimizing File Transfer Productivity

The Top Two Tips for Optimizing File Transfer Productivity Transferring data securely from point A to point B is a non-negotiable for most organizations. However, that doesn’t mean that the process needs to be tedious. Don’t get bogged down by old file transfer methods that are slow and unreliable. Rather, optimize your productivity with the...

Improve Your Big Data File Transfers: 11 Security Features to Consider

New challenges and new opportunities have arisen due to big data, which is altering the nature of file transfer technology. The Good News Big data is leading to new file sharing technology, which is making it easier to solve certain big data file transfer problems. On the other hand, it is increasing the bandwidth requirements companies face,...

How to Use MFT as a Workflow Automation Tool in Healthcare

When it comes to managed file transfer (MFT) solutions, organizations across industries find them valuable for policy enforcement, user access control and authorization, risk reduction, and more. And when it comes to HIPAA and HITECH requirements, MFT shines as a secure workflow automation tool. MFT as a B2B Enabler What makes MFT a perfect...

What is FISMA?

What is FISMA and How Does it Work? The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) is a 2002 United States law that outlines steps and guidelines to follow to reduce security risks to federal data. FISMA applies to all U.S. federal agencies, some state agencies, and any private sector organizations that have a contract with the U.S. government. Additionally, both the National...

Give the Gift of Secure Folders, Secure Forms, and More

If you’ve already given your IT team and organization the gift of managed file transfer (MFT) for secure, streamlined file transfers of your business-critical information, wow them further with modules. GoAnywhere modules, such as Secure Forms and Secure Folders, are like the bows on top of a present – they help tie up the loose ends of your...

19 Ways to Transfer Big Files

You have choices when it comes to sending large files. You can choose to take your chances with free file transfer solutions, but they can be risky. Using a managed file transfer (MFT) solution is a reliable way to secure your data and ensure it gets where it needs to be. Here’s a few ways you can get peace-of-mind when sending your big files. ...

9 Mistakes You Might Make When Sending Big Files

Sending that small file, or even a few small files, is a no-brainer at most organizations. But what about those massive, unwieldly and oh-so-sensitive files that inevitably get “stuck” or noted as “undeliverable.” You know the ones…those really important files that need to be somewhere yesterday! Without a company-approved file sharing method in...

Why You Should Use Scheduled File Transfer Software

Have you set up Amazon auto-deliveries? Installed a smart thermostat to keep your house the perfect temperature throughout the day? Approved auto-pay for your bills? Today’s world makes it easy to simplify nearly every aspect of your day-to-day – so why not schedule your file transfers? What is Scheduled File Transfer Software? More commonly...

How Do I Securely Share and Send Large Files?

The biggest danger of passing notes in grade school was interception by your teacher (or a box checked “no”) but sending large files these days carries a lot more risk. Messages that you’re sending in a work capacity likely contain information that’s more sensitive than schoolyard gossip or a question for your crush – and the person intercepting...

Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So!

Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So! “Drive carefully,” Eat your vegetables,” “Share those toys with your brother,” “Think again about how you’re transferring all those large files!” You know, your mom’s right. She usually is. And, when it comes to transferring big files, it IS smart to adopt a best practices approach when...

What is NIST?

NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, is a lab and non-regulatory federal agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Founded in 1901 as a tool to boost the U.S.'s global competitiveness, NIST fosters efforts to create standards across technology systems. Today, NIST continues to push for innovation in a variety of industries...

How Are Your Peers Utilizing Automation in GoAnywhere?

The Uses are Endless It’s no secret that automation is a great way to boost your business. It can save time, money, and important resources. But how is it being used by your peers on a day-to-day basis? Read on for some examples straight from your peers’ own personal experiences automating their file transfer processes. Adams County,...