The biggest danger of passing notes in grade school was interception by your teacher (or a box checked “no”) but sending large files these days carries a lot more risk. Messages that you’re sending in a work capacity likely contain information that’s more sensitive than schoolyard gossip or a question for your crush – and the person intercepting it won’t just read it to the class.
Make sure you’re keeping the information you send secure and in the right hands.
How to Know Your Large File Transfers are Secure
Whether you’re transferring large files, scheduling file transfers in bulk, or sending single files as needed, it’s important to choose a secure process. Secure file transfer options each use one of several methods to encrypt data, rendering the data unreadable until the appropriate decryption key is provided. Encryption methods include:
- ZIP with AES encryption
- Open PGP
- SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
- FTPS (FTP over SSL)
- AS2 (S/MIME over HTTP/S) or AS4
Some encryption methods further ensure the integrity of your data by offering protection against forgery and tampering, so you can rest assured that your recipient receives unadulterated information.
4 Methods to Send Large Files Securely
Many IT departments chug along with outmoded file transfer methods like FTP, PC tools, and legacy scripts, blissfully unaware of how vulnerable their files are. Luckily, there is a huge variety in tools and software in the market today that can fit any business need and replace less secure options.
Related Reading: 5 Tips for Large File Transfers
1. Email
While sending files via email is quick, easy, and common, it’s far from the most secure option. Email has two major issues for file transfers: file size restrictions, and a lack of secure email, which leaves you open to security and compliance risks. Despite these concerns, a new study has shown that 46% of SMEs have shared sensitive and confidential files by email since COVID-19 moved people from offices to homes, putting their organizations in a precarious position.
Keep the flexibility of email and add security and support for large files with a secure tool, like the Secure Mail module in GoAnywhere MFT. Secure emails options help with large file transfer by allowing you to send your recipient a link to the file – of any size – to view as a secure download. You can even track views and downloads and set the link to expire. Other features of Secure Mail include the ability to send multiple files, a call-back feature to remove a recipient’s access, request files, and more.
2. Secure File Transfer Protocols
Moving beyond FTP for your file transfers is one of the best steps you can take to boost your security. There are multiple routes you can go, including HTTPS, SFTP, FTPS, and AS2, AS3, and AS4. Some of these simply keep your data more secure, while others go the extra mile to fill the gaps left by FTP.
Related Reading: 5 Secure File Transfer Alternatives to FTP
3. Secure Collaboration Tools
If you collaborate with colleagues and clients, and don’t have as much of a need for back-and-forth file transfers, either a content collaboration platform or enterprise file sync and share solution (EFSS) might be a better fit.
Content collaboration platform covers a variety of tools that promote collaboration and productivity. Some of the more well-known offerings include Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. The majority promise version control, secure access, and simplified collaboration on various types of files. A content collaboration platform can make sharing files simple: send data via email, share large files, automate workflows, and more, all from a centralized location.
An EFSS solution like GoAnywhere’s GoDrive, a secure alternative to cloud-based file sharing services, can be used for secure file sharing. GoDrive supports large file sharing and includes features that make collaborating a breeze, like revision tracking, commenting, media viewing, and more.
4. Managed File Transfer
One of the most comprehensive ways to send large files is managed file transfer (MFT). While some MFT solutions merely assist you with moving data from A to B, others encompass secure file transfer, plus all the options listed above – secure email, content collaboration, secure FTP, and more. MFT benefits organizations in a multiple ways, including:
- Better cybersecurity
- Built-in encryption processes
- Streamlined ways to monitor and track file transfers (handy for audits or meeting compliance requirements!)
- And more
Businesses use MFT solutions, like GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer, to ensure that sensitive files make it to their destination and are secured along their journey. With MFT, files are encrypted and decrypted, user access is limited by role, and audit trails can be generated for all user events and file activity.
Secure Your File Sharing
While you may not have had much data security when tossing notes from your desk, make sure the files you send now make it to their destination, and back again, uninterrupted.
Get the details with a 15, 30, or 60-minute demo, and see how GoAnywhere can fit into your organization.