

What is a PGP File?

What is PGP and What is It Used For? PGP is short for Pretty Good Privacy and it’s one of the most widely used technologies for encrypting and authenticating files. It can help encrypt, decrypt, authenticate, and verity various file types including emails, files, directories, disk partitions, and more. PGP, along with its offshoots Open PGP and...

Cybersecurity Concerns in Healthcare in 2022

Every year the healthcare industry is greeted with headlines stating that ‘last year was the most-breached ever.’ And that trend is unlikely to stop in 2022. The healthcare industry has historically been one of the most-targeted by hackers, and one of the most breached by internal actors. Key reasons why include vast amounts of extra sensitive...

Fast File Transfer Terms You Should Know

When looking for an accelerated file transfer solution, you may run into an alphabet soup of acronyms and abbreviations. We’re here to help you on your quest to find the fastest file transfer solution for your business needs by clarifying what these many terms mean, and why you should care about them. First, what exactly is fast file transfer, and how much faster is it than standard file transfer...

13 Essential MFT Blog Posts You Might Have Missed

There’s a lot out there (and just on this website) about what MFT (managed file transfer) software is, why it’s a good FTP alternative, and how to choose the best file transfer software for your business. That’s why we’ve selected 13 of our top blogs that answer those exactly those questions – and more. And because questions about any software...

How to Send Big Files Quickly

Big and fast. Speedy and large. It’s a combination that’s sometimes tricky to execute, especially when it comes to sending large data files rapidly. Do you sacrifice speed? Do you risk having files interrupted mid-stream? Or do you roll the dice and hope your file won’t be rejected from the starting gate? You don’t have to make these kinds of...

Still WFH? Time to Revisit BYOD, Security, and More

Work from home, which was once an early-pandemic precaution, is becoming a norm across industries. It is likely that the pandemic has shifted how people work forever, with half of employees expecting to work predominantly from home or in a hybrid home-and-office system going forward. However, just as in the early days of the pandemic,...

What is Shadow IT and Why is it a Problem?

Shadow IT Doesn’t Lurk in the Shadows – it's Prevalent Although it may seem foreign now, there was once a time when an organization’s IT department had complete and total control over the technology being used by the organization. Before software could be purchased, or before anyone clicked download, the IT Director’s blessing was needed. ...

Looking to 2022: New Year, New Data Security Strategies

3 Data Centric Security Strategies for 2022 Despite massive growth in data security spending, the number of data breaches is increasing. With constant changes in how and where work is done—thanks in part to growth in both cloud computing and mobile device usage—the threats are changing, too. And so are the strategies taken to mitigate those...

Dropbox File Transfer Acceleration

What is Dropbox? Dropbox is a file hosting and sharing service used both as a personal cloud storage solution and as a file collaboration tool for businesses. It supports most types of files, including text, video, graphics, and audio. Because Dropbox is cloud-based, you can use it from anywhere. This makes it a top choice for those who work from home or on location rather than in the corporate...

What is SOC 2 and Why it Matters for Security

There are some things in life that should be a given: rollercoasters are inspected regularly, chefs wash their hands, and your organization’s file transfers are secure. That last is a little more nebulous to see immediate cause-and-effect (it’s not like your rollercoaster car rolling off the tracks or getting food poisoning!) but unsecure file...

Developing a Plan for Data Risk Management

What is Data and Risk Management? Data and risk management encompasses the processes and procedures an organization follows to safeguard the data it collects and stores. Data is today’s biggest asset—and today’s biggest target. If your organization has data, no matter now little or how sensitive, it’s at risk for leakage, theft, or attack. Sorry...

What is iPerf and How to Use It

What is iPerf? iPerf, which is short for Internet Performance Working Group, is an open-source speed test and network performance measurement tool. The mechanism is fairly simple: it creates TCP and UDP streams, and sends traffic from one host to another, then reports the maximum bandwidth to the user. This allows users to determine network throughput and top bandwidth speed. Originally called...

Is MFT the Next Big Integrating Technology?

Is MFT Integration Software? MFT, which stands for managed file transfer, is not, strictly speaking, integration software. Managed file transfer at the most basic level is a transfer tool designed to get your data from A to B securely. Despite that, many MFT solutions take over the functions of everyday file transfer tools and scripts...

The Difference Between Data Privacy, Data Protection, and Compliance

Data privacy, data protection, and compliance: they’re similar, but not the same. If you’re like most IT professionals, you may have used these terms interchangeably, and with good reason: all data privacy laws deal with protection, many data protection laws have privacy at their heart, and both outline compliance requirements. But what exactly...

How Big Are Movie Files in 2022?

Gone are the simple days of moving pictures and practical effects. These days, movies are more sophisticated, with computer-generated special effects and high-resolution images. However, each addition to a film or episode adds to the file size, which can make both downloading for at-home viewing and the process of creating the project more complicated than ever before. While large movie files...

File Transfer for Live Events

There are many organizations that require the ability to transfer large files fast, sometimes in the moment, to manage the requirements of live events. Fast media file transfer is important for many organizations and events: as they say, time is of the essence and live events are no exception. For organizations looking for a speedy solution to their live event needs, there is a solution that...

The Surprising Relationship Between Data Privacy Laws and File Sharing

Location, location, location. Not just the mantra of realtors and would-be buyers – it’s also a concern for data security professionals world-wide. As cloud computing has ramped up across industries, the physical location of stored data has been called into question, alongside concerns stemming from data privacy laws. Read on to discover how...

The 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Threats of 2022: How to Avoid Cybersecurity Attacks

Cybersecurity is one of the biggest issues of our time. Organizations are gradually investing more and more into cybersecurity. Microsoft expects to be investing upwards of $1 billion a year on cybersecurity for the foreseeable future and they certainly won’t be the only organization to increase their spending. In 2019, organizations began...

How to Transfer Files Faster

There are many options for transferring files but not all of them can complete file transfers quickly. When considering transfer distance length and bandwidth predicaments, the speed of file transfers can be called into question even more easily. So, what tools can organizations use to achieve file transfers at high speeds to save time and money without sacrificing core security functionality? If...

What’s the Number One Enterprise MFT Solution?

Enterprise operations make critical decisions daily with an impact often felt around the world. One of those choices: selecting the right enterprise managed file transfer (MFT) solution to ensure all the data exchanged daily both internally and externally is secure and the exchange process is automated to maximize productivity. G2 Names...