

Which is Better: SFTP vs. MFT?

SFTP, or MFT: that is the question.Even though we’re not all famous poets like William Shakespeare, many IT professionals will ask this question at some point or another. Should they use an SFTP or managed file transfer (MFT) solution to transfer sensitive files securely—and why?It brings up an interesting choice. By nature, SFTP and MFT solutions...

The Best Cybersecurity Strategies for Banks and Financial Organizations

Banks and financial institutions, take note: though the year is almost over, no one is safe from a data breach. Industries across the board have seen 4.5 million records stolen so far in 2018—a staggering 133% increase over those compromised in 2017.As you create updated cybersecurity plans and data breach prevention strategies for the new year, it’s...

AI Across Industries – Where We Are, Where We’re Going

HAL 9000 might be closer, more useful and friendlier than we think. Artificial Intelligence (AI) might not be here in a fully realized form yet, but it’s already disrupting a lot of industries that we work in.As our customers discuss, question and evaluate the ways they can leverage AI to help streamline their workflows, I thought that I’d share some of the ways industry leaders leverage AI across...

IP-Based Workflows – The Paradigm is Shifting, are You on Board?

Since returning from IBC 2018, I have been thinking about IP-based workflows and the great discussions we had about this emerging trend at our booth. While IP-based workflows are seeing increased adoption and bringing new opportunities, there are also challenges ahead. IP-based workflows aren’t exactly new, but adoption has greatly increased in the media space as of late. Global companies with...

Why You Should Cluster Your File Transfer Systems

What’s the true cost of downtime for your organization? You may think of it in terms of lost revenue—according to studies released in the last couple years, the average cost of system-wide downtime is $100,000 an hour, and that’s on the low end (it can get up to $300,000 or more). But there are other factors involved in the price of downtime that can...

Chris Speaks at IABM: How Far Can We Go With The Cloud?

This year was another successful IBC for FileCatalyst, and we thank everyone who visited us. Our booth was bustling with activity; from people asking questions about how our fast file transfer solutions can fit in their workflow to people engaged with our in-depth demos that walked them through the user experience firsthand. Big thanks to every attendee that stopped by our booth, we are...

Which is Better: SFTP vs. FTPS?

How do you transfer sensitive files? Business requirements and security standards have increased in recent years across industries and continents, but many organizations have struggled to keep up. Manual scripts, legacy tools, and single-use software are still utilized by IT and security teams despite their risks, causing more problems than they solve...

Making Sense of the Numbers: Breaking Down Our Speed Chart

FileCatalyst World Speed Chart When we attend trade shows, like the IBC Show on the horizon, our FileCatalyst World Speed Chart always garners attention and starts conversations at our booth. The question people always ask about it is, “How?” And I can’t blame them. To take a file that would usually take five hours to transfer, and do it in 8.4...

There are Threats to FTP Servers, are You Mitigating Them?

I just finished reading an article by Marianne Kolbasuk McGee about the threats facing healthcare companies when it comes to FTP servers. I thought it would be a good idea to outline these threats, provide some thoughts, and outline some of the ways FileCatalyst addresses them. The State of FTP Servers The FBI has warned the healthcare sector that the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) can easily...

SFTP: The Smart Way to Transfer Your Cloud Data

With the growing buzz about everything "cloud computing," most organizations are either starting to consider the cloud or have already moved some of their business processes to a cloud platform.No matter where you stand, technology is no stranger to the cloud. Consumers use cloud applications, services, and storage daily, while many organizations...

Using FileCatalyst to Remedy Healthcare IT Issues

When it comes to healthcare, file transfers aren’t something to be left to Dropbox or FTP email attachments. The requirements are many; files must remain confidential, visible, and secure – every time. Achieving this is becoming ever more challenging as the sheer size and volume of file transfers grow with every year. I came across an interesting article titled “7 File Transfer Challenges of...

Globus Toolkit to End Support after 20 Years

The Globus Toolkit has been an open source project since its inception, allowing the community to provide enhancements that have made it what it is today. But after a nearly 20-year run as what many see as the benchmark of grid computing, the Globus team at the University of Chicago will no longer support the Globus Toolkit. One of the toolkit’s...

From the Magnetic Drum to the Cloud - A Brief History of Data Storage

In my earlier blog post, “A Day In Data: How Much Data We Generate and Consume in a Day” I examined the common data-related tasks and the amounts of data these tasks generate and consume in a day. When I finished my research, I was blown away by some of the figures I found. Did you know that 2.9 million emails are sent every second?! Or how about...

How to Achieve Fast Uploads to Cloud Storage

We see a lot of confusion among IT professionals about the pros/cons of cloud-based object storage like Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure Blob. There tends to be a general lack of awareness regarding the smaller players, like Backblaze B2 and Wasabi for instance, and their benefits. The most confusion, however, revolves around migrating data to these various cloud storage solutions, and how it can be...

A Day In Data: How Much Data We Generate and Consume in a Day

I‘ve been thinking about the amount of data created and consumed in a single day, and it got me curious to look into the figures. I found the results very interesting – so I thought I would make an infographic to visualize my findings. I decided to focus on the more personal, everyday tasks most people perform in a day, such as emails and social...

The GDPR is Coming… What’s it Mean to You?

There is a new wave of regulation coming in the form of the European Union Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). These provisions and regulations have been in development over the last four years, and starting May 25th, 2018; it will begin to be enforced. After that date, substantial fines will be imposed on those who don’t comply with new regulations. Before we dive into what this will mean for...

10 Essential Tips for Securing FTP and SFTP Servers

Most organizations use FTP or SFTP servers to exchange files and other critical business documents with their trading partners. Unfortunately, these servers have become a primary target for hackers, putting your FTP or SFTP server at risk of a costly data breach.Bob Luebbe, GoAnywhere Chief Architect at Fortra, hosted a webinar to help you ensure your...

Is Your Data REALLY Safe on the IBM i (AS/400)?

“AS/400 is built to be safe and reliable.”“No one makes viruses for the IBM i. There are no known cases of malware, either.”“IBM has amazing IBM i server security, so we don’t have to worry about vulnerabilities.”Do these statements sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve come across these claims in the industry, heard someone say something similar at an event...

Managed File Transfer: It's More than SFTP

For many, MFT and SFTP are a package deal. You can’t seem to have a managed file transfer solution without relying on an SFTP server to secure your file transfers. But this leaves a lot of people wondering—is managed file transfer only useful for SFTP file transfer automation?The reality is, MFT is far more than just an SFTP (SSH File Transfer...

Uploading Files Into Azure Blob Storage at Multi-Gigabit Speeds

Moving data into cloud storage can present a number of challenges for organizations across all industries. Some of these challenges include finding a tool that can simplify the process and a solution that can move the data to the cloud as fast as possible. This blog will examine two methods used to transfer files into Microsoft Azure Blob storage: using Microsoft’s tool AzCopy and using...