
Il est crucial de garantir la confidentialité et l’intégrité de vos données, qu’elles soient conservées sur disque ou transmises en dehors de votre société. Le chiffrement des transferts de fichiers de données sensibles est essentiel pour respecter la norme PCI DSS, la législation des États en matière de protection de la vie privée et les réglementations fédérales telles que HIPAA et Sarbanes-Oxley.

Chiffrement et GoAnywhere MFT

GoAnywhere déploie différentes technologies parmi les plus répandues pour réaliser des transferts de fichiers chiffrés. Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour en savoir plus :

Dossiers chiffrés

Pour protéger les fichiers de Data at Rest avec le chiffrement AES 256 bits 

Plus d'informations >

Réaliser des transferts de fichiers chiffrés avec GoAnywhere

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Pourquoi protéger vos fichiers avec un logiciel de transfert de fichiers ?

Regardez cette courte vidéo pour un bref aperçu des meilleurs moyens de garantir le cryptage des documents, des e-mails et des bases de données.

Chiffrer avec GoAnywhere MFT


Protégez vos fichiers au repos et en mouvement avec GoAnywhere MFT. Consultez ces didacticiels pour savoir comment utiliser GoAnywhere pour crypter vos fichiers et découvrir comment MFT fonctionne pour protéger vos données.

Premiers pas avec les projets

Ce guide est un aperçu de la façon de concevoir des projets pour crypter les données, transférer et automatiser les processus.

Comment chiffrer et signer des fichiers à l'aide de PGP

Protégez vos informations sensibles avec le cryptage PGP et assurez-vous de partager vos fichiers en toute sécurité. Ce didacticiel explique comment importer des clés PGP et les utiliser pour chiffrer et signer des fichiers.

FAQ sur la solution de Managed File Transfer

Yes. GoAnywhere MFT is compliant with the Open PGP standard. The Open PGP standard is a non-proprietary and industry-accepted protocol which defines the standard format for encrypted messages, signatures and keys. This standard is managed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). See RFC2440 and RFC4880 for more details on the Open PGP standard.

HelpSystems is not aware of any compatibility issues with any other PGP products. GoAnywhere MFT's Open PGP encryption and decryption processes have been verified for interoperability with many other 3rd party products, including PGP Desktop from PGP® Corporation, E-Business Server from McAfee® and GnuPG (GPG).

GnuPG (GPG) is the GNU project's implementation of the Open PGP standard as defined by RFC4880. Since GoAnywhere MFT includes Open PGP compliant technology, you can use GoAnywhere MFT to decrypt files that were encrypted with GPG. Your trading partners can also decrypt files (which were encrypted with GoAnywhere MFT) using GPG.

GoAnywhere MFT supports the AES, Triple DES, Open PGP, SSL/TLS, S/MIME and SSH 2.0 standards for encrypting data transmissions.

Yes. Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules are formalized in the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS publication 140-2), developed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Canadian Communication Security Establishment (CSE). GoAnywhere MFT provides a FIPS 140-2 Compliance Mode and when enabled, it only permits the use of FIPS 140-2 compliant ciphers (e.g. AES, Triple DES) for encryption processes.

The FIPS 140-2 certified algorithms (ciphers) in GoAnywhere MFT are provided by an embedded RSA® security module and apply to all SSH and SSL communications within GoAnywhere MFT including SFTP, SCP, FTPS and HTTPS protocols. RSA, a division of EMC, is a trusted provider of security, risk and compliance management solutions for business acceleration. By leveraging RSA’s extensive experience with encryption technology and compliance criteria, GoAnywhere MFT is able to satisfy the stringent requirements for FIPS 140-2.

Files can be compressed and uncompressed using the ZIP, GZIP and TAR standards.

GoAnywhere MFT provides comprehensive features for automating the exchange of files with your trading partners over SFTP, SCP, FTP and FTPS protocols. Features included:

  • Predefine SFTP, SCP, FTP and FTPS server connections (host name, user, password, default path, etc.) in a central database which can then be selected through drop-down menus when creating Projects
  • Authenticate connections using passwords, certificates or keys
  • Auto-detect Binary and ASCII modes
  • Make Passive and Active connections
  • Use non-standard port numbers
  • Select multiple files using wildcard naming (i.e. ?/orders/*.*?), date filters and size filters
  • Select files using substitution variables
  • Prefix and suffix files with the current date, time or timestamp
  • Automatically encrypt or ZIP files before distributing them to a FTP server
  • Distribute files and directories to other SFTP and FTP/s servers, the local file system or email
  • Automatically decrypt, UNZIP and import files retrieved from SFTP and FTP/s servers
  • Rename files using specific names or variables
  • Delete files from the source SFTP or FTP/s server after successful retrieval
  • Archive files on the source SFTP or FTP/s server after successful retrieval
  • Run remote SFTP and FTP/s command scripts
  • Auto-retry failed connections with user-defined limits
  • Support for large files with auto-resume and packet integrity checks to help guarantee delivery
  • A detailed audit log is be generated and saved for each transmission, which will log all commands issued and any messages generated