Faustino Gomez (Director of Operations) and Paula Rodriguez (Director of Programming) | Londen Insurance



Londen Insurance

During the COMMON User's Group Conference in Anaheim, California, in 2012, Faustino Gomez and Paula Rodriguez took a few minutes to share their experiences with GoAnywhere. Faustino is the Operations Director and Paula is the Director of Programming at Londen Insurance, and thanks to GoAnywhere's automation features, the company has saved significant time and money.


Paula Rodriguez:

Well, we work for an insurance company so we have a lot of social security numbers and personal identifying information, and we need to make sure it's secure.

Faustino Gomez:

…some processes with some of our vendors, and at that time, although we had a solution that was achieving the goal, it was kind of a manual solution. So we were in the need for having something more efficient and automated, in an automatic way. And also, we started getting more requests of customers, kind of requesting the same thing, so having it the way we were having it, in a manual way, although it achieved this and solved the problem, it would not be a long-term best solution. So, we started looking in the market, "Ok, how can we solve this?"


We needed to find a solution to FTP some documents to our printer, and so we looked around, and our operations director knew about Linoma [now HelpSystems] and the GoAnywhere product, so he recommended that we download the trial. So we did, and we fell in love with it.


So then we start with GoAnywhere, and that process -we did it in one stop one shop - everything is automatic. If an error occurs, the system will let us know automatically that I have a problem right here by email, and this is the instruction where I have the issue. We have error handling inside the solution. So basically for us, we completely achieved reducing time, cost, having issues with our vendor not receiving information. Because we know exactly when something goes wrong, even before the day after when the vendor calls and tells us "Hey, I didn't get the data," we know already he had a problem because the system is letting us know, hey, there was a problem.


It saves us so much time! We've automated a lot of things we used to do manually, so it's saved us hours a day. Now I'm able to mentor the programmers, take on more projects, complete more projects, and when somebody comes to us with a problem that we used to not be able to program for, now we can.


We have outstanding ways that we couldn't even imagine in the beginning.


We use GoAnywhere because our agents are able to upload applications to our FTP, our IFS, and we use it for that also.


GoAnywhere allows us to open a portal that is a secure FTP, where we made that to merge with our old, aging website so in that way we can secure upload, secure transmit, secure send that over instantaneously, so we have the new application that we need to key in, which is a new business for us, in a very efficient way, in a very fast way, in a very … saving time, making the whole process so quick and so fast that the engine has the application instantaneously which reduces timing and cost on mailing it, time and cost on faxing it.


We're using it to FTP documents to our printer, we create Excel spreadsheets, we pull files off of other FTPS and download them into our database, we email with attachments, and we have some projects that we call IBM commands and then process files.


When we paid for it, it's basically returned us six, seven, eight times the cost.


We're more secure. We have some projects that we encrypt with PGP and send off to our third party, which we were doing manually. We just love the product.


Am I a happy customer? I am more than that, so … It really works, it's amazing what it does! You have to do it and learn it to believe it, but when you hear from a real customer that he has it on a daily basis in production, and has go to it, and has amazing results for your company, saved you too much time… I mean, it's unbelievable! You have to try it. It's worth what it costs! I don't think you can find a solution so integrated and so secure for handling all of your transfers of data, and manipulate data on the iSeries - it's the way to go!