A secure alternative to emailing files, the Secure Mail module in GoAnywhere allows employees and other authorized users to easily send files (packages) to other individuals. Because it is much more secure than traditional email, and doesn’t limit the file sizes or types, the Ad-Hoc Secure Mail module eliminates the need for PC file transfer tools. The Secure Mail module is one more step to ensure compliance throughout your organization.

How Secure Mail Works
These screenshots illustrate what users and recipients will see when using the Secure Mail module.
Email Notification

Each recipient of a Secure Mail package will receive a notification via email. The notification will show the message subject, a summary of the file names and a link for downloading the files in the package. If certified delivery is requested, then the recipient will be required to create an account before the package can be opened.
Secure Download and Reply

When a recipient clicks on the link in the notification email, it will open the download page over secure HTTPS protocol where they can choose to view or download the files. Recipients can respond and attach their own documents using the same secure protocol.
Secure Mail Dashboard

Users can work with their Secure Mail messages including their Inbox, Drafts and Sent items from an intuitive browser-based dashboard. Users will be able to see which files have been sent, whether the recipient has viewed or downloaded the file, and other logging details. In addition, users can maintain an address book to keep track of frequently used contacts or email groups.
Request Files

Users are able to compose messages that will request files from the email recipients. When the recipient receives a file request, the request will contain a unique URL the recipient can conveniently use to securely upload files and send them directly to the user's inbox.