
Case Study

FileCatalyst & NICE Software

Learn how, using FileCatalyst, EnginFrame’s client organizations were able to recoup lost time by gaining rapid access to their valuable data, applications, and resources.
Case Study

FileCatalyst & NBC Sports Group at Sochi 2014

Learn how, with the help of FileCatalyst, NBC Sports Group broke new ground in live sports production by overcoming the limits of concurrent transfers and solving the problems associated with dynamically changing MXF files.

GoAnywhere MFT Not Affected by EFAIL Vulnerabilities

Ashland, NE, May 16, 2018 In light of the recent Open PGP & S/MIME warning (EFAIL), GoAnywhere has performed a software security review of its managed file transfer solution to ensure customers and their encrypted emails are not affected by this vulnerability. The review was positive and demonstrates that GoAnywhere MFT is already protected...

IT Pros in Healthcare: How to Choose a Secure File Transfer Solution

Every healthcare provider wants to avoid being the next data breach headline—and unfortunately, we have seen many incidents and their consequences in 2018 so far. The causes of these data breaches range from wrongly configured databases to successful malware attacks and unauthorized user access.For those looking to avoid the pain, embarrassment, and...

3 Ways Your Peers are Using Secure Forms

If you exchange any amount of sensitive information as paper documents, electronic PDFs, images, or spreadsheets, you know keeping track of data and ensuring it gets where it needs to go can be a challenge. And if you work with multiple parties to receive this information, like employees, vendors, clients, stakeholders, and trading partners, you also...

On-Premises and the Cloud: A Comparison of Two Unique Environments

On-premises. The cloud. Hybrid environments.As technology evolves and business needs grow, organizations are rapidly trying to make sense of their options. What are the benefits of running their software and data on-premises? What concerns should IT and security teams be aware of when implementing their processes in the cloud? Can they do a bit of both and go hybrid?There is no right or wrong...

15 Ways to Avoid Document Chaos with Secure Forms

Vendors, employees, customers, and trading partners exchange an abundance of files every day, often by a variety of means including mail, email, telecomm apps like Skype, shared file storage like Dropbox or Google Drive, and sometimes even SMS. While documents are an inescapable reality for busy organizations, keeping track of this data can be...

The GDPR is Coming… What’s it Mean to You?

There is a new wave of regulation coming in the form of the European Union Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). These provisions and regulations have been in development over the last four years, and starting May 25th, 2018; it will begin to be enforced. After that date, substantial fines will be imposed on those who don’t comply with new regulations. Before we dive into what this will mean for...

Is Your Data REALLY Safe on the IBM i (AS/400)?

“AS/400 is built to be safe and reliable.”“No one makes viruses for the IBM i. There are no known cases of malware, either.”“IBM has amazing IBM i server security, so we don’t have to worry about vulnerabilities.”Do these statements sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve come across these claims in the industry, heard someone say something similar at an event...

Managed File Transfer: It's More than SFTP

For many, MFT and SFTP are a package deal. You can’t seem to have a managed file transfer solution without relying on an SFTP server to secure your file transfers. But this leaves a lot of people wondering—is managed file transfer only useful for SFTP file transfer automation?The reality is, MFT is far more than just an SFTP (SSH File Transfer...

Uploading Files Into Azure Blob Storage at Multi-Gigabit Speeds

Moving data into cloud storage can present a number of challenges for organizations across all industries. Some of these challenges include finding a tool that can simplify the process and a solution that can move the data to the cloud as fast as possible. This blog will examine two methods used to transfer files into Microsoft Azure Blob storage: using Microsoft’s tool AzCopy and using...

5 Ways to Protect Your Financial Organization from a Data Breach

While several industries, including business and education, make up a big portion of yearly data breach counts, banks and credit unions aren’t left risk free. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), the banking/credit/financial sector totals 5.8% of 2017’s data breaches as of June 30, 2017. That’s up two percent from 2016’s first...

Data Breach and Incident Response Plans | 2017 Templates & Resources

As we continue to put our data online, through social media channels, cloud storage, and email attachments, we open ourselves up to the possibility of data breaches and other attacks. The answer to this problem isn’t to stop using the internet, of course. But organizations today need to pay serious attention to their cybersecurity gaps, put guidelines...

10 Ways GoAnywhere MFT can Improve Your Efficiency on the IBM i

Are you using homegrown processes in your organization to send files on the IBM i? Between the knowledge required to write and maintain file transfer scripts, the time spent on creating user profiles for every file recipient, and the hassle of solving connection problems so data is always delivered successfully, manual IBM i transfers can be...

EFSS vs. MFT: What's the Difference?

EFSS (Enterprise File Sync and Share) and MFT (Managed File Transfer) are two terms that are frequently thrown around in the IT industry. Each solution is used to transfer files to multiple locations and devices, and they can both be deployed on-premises or in a cloud environment.These similarities inspire frequent questions. What are these solutions,...

5 Cloud Security Best Practices for Microsoft Azure

Migrating company data to the cloud is often a primary goal for modern organizations. In fact, by 2018, 60% of organizations’ IT infrastructure will be cloud-based, according to IDG’s Enterprise Cloud Computing Survey. Cloud infrastructure comes with many benefits, including—but not limited to—reducing IT budgets, improved data security, endless...

What to Consider When Selecting Managed File Transfer Software

You’re at work, at least five programs open on your computer as you tweak the custom Linux shell and Python scripts that allow you to transfer dozens of company files from one destination to another. Commands pour from your fingers as you check the transfers for successful delivery. Some of them failed; you troubleshoot why, then hit submit and mop...