

Cybersecurity Myths Debunked

Like many of Greek mythology's greatest heroes, the IT and cybersecurity professionals of today spend years preparing for an attack or test from an unknown creature. Will it be the Hydra-like multifaceted DDoS attack, or the sweet siren song of phishing upon your unfortunate colleagues? Discover what six IT and cybersecurity experts from across the globe have to say about common myths, including: ...

Buyer's Guide: Secure Managed File Transfer

We know finding the right file transfer solution for your organization isn’t an easy process. There are dozens of details to consider, from industry and compliance concerns to critical cybersecurity needs, and they can make choosing a vendor complex. In this ultimate buyer’s guide, you’ll find the information you need to successfully evaluate different managed file transfer solutions. We cover: ...
Case Study

Monterey Mushrooms

For Monterey Mushrooms, the e-mail notifications, the ability to automate projects, and the seamless version updates are just a few of Barabara Bularzik's favorite features with GoAnywhere. ...

GoAnywhere MFT Financial Benefits Study

Many organizations don't have a secure and efficient way to handle data transfers - but is the investment worth the payoff when it comes to managed file software? A study conducted by research firm Goode Intelligence set out to find the answer. This Financial Benefit Study from Goode Intelligence looks at the financial and non-financial benefits of using GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer. Based on...

Security Risks of File Transfers and How to Reduce Them

Transferring files between customers and trading partners, especially files containing sensitive data without appropriate data security protection solutions applied, involves at least some level of risk. You might accidentally send files to the wrong recipient. Or your latest email attachment was sent with an unsecure File Transfer Protocol (FTP)...

Secure Mail

A secure alternative to emailing files, the Secure Mail module in GoAnywhere allows employees and other authorized users to easily send files (packages) to other individuals. Because it is much more secure than traditional email, and doesn’t limit the file sizes or types, the Ad-Hoc Secure Mail module eliminates the need for PC file transfer tools. The Secure Mail module is one more step to ensure...

What is High Latency File Transfer and Why Should You Use It

When taking off on a vacation, the less time spent traveling the better, right? A non-stop flight, versus one with iffy connections and layovers is the way to go whenever possible. There are fewer hiccups, and the overall experience is simply better. File transfers operating in a high latency network can be a bit like that multi-stop flight, with delays, missed connections, and a general bog down...

Modules for Licensing

GoAnywhere is a robust and complete managed file transfer solution. Modules are available that can satisfy a wide array of file transfer requirements. Fortunately, you can choose to license and pay for only the modules you currently need and easily “unlock” additional modules, if necessary. Here are the modules that can be licensed: Advanced Workflows - is used when you are initiating the...


GoDrive is a solution that provides Enterprise File Sync and Sharing (EFSS) services for your employees and partners. With GoDrive, files and folders can be easily shared between users with advanced collaboration features including file revision tracking, commenting, trash bin, media viewing and synchronization with Windows, Mac and mobile devices. See How Easy It Is! Sharing files with others...

Zero Trust File Transfer

Zero trust is about more than network segmentation. Fortra can help you encrypt and securely share data with authorized individuals while protecting it from viruses and malware. Our Zero Trust File Transfer bundle enables automatic file sharing, scanning for malware or viruses, and encryption, giving you total control over files wherever they travel. The result is portable, persistent data...

GoAnywhere MFT

GoAnywhere MFT GoAnywhere MFT is an enterprise-level solution which will secure, automate and manage all of your organization’s file transfer needs through a single interface. With extensive security controls and detailed audit trails, GoAnywhere MFT will help your organization comply with data privacy regulations and PCI DSS. This innovative solution automates Server-to-Server file transfers and...

GoAnywhere Gateway

GoAnywhere Gateway provides an additional layer of security when exchanging data with your trading partners. It allows you to keep file sharing services (e.g. FTP/S, SFTP, HTTP/S servers) and documents safely in your private/internal network. With GoAnywhere Gateway, no inbound ports need to be opened into your private network, which is essential for compliance with PCI DSS, HIPAA, HITECH, SOX,...

Getting Started with GoAnywhere MFT: Guides and Tutorials

Getting Started Guides Overview of GoAnywhere MFT Take a tour of GoAnywhere MFT and learn about the browser-based interface, custom dashboards, user management, workflows, and file transfer services. Getting Started with File Transfer Services Learn how to get started with file transfer services,...

How to Secure Your Data Exchanges

Exchanging Data Securely Requires Stepped Up Data Transfer Methods Exchanging data is easy, right? Just grab a file, attach it, and hit “send.” Then sit back and relax. Not so fast! If you want to securely exchange data and protect any sensitive data your files may contain, you need to send them with a secure file transfer solution that...

Common Questions About Fast File Transfer

There is no doubt we live in an information-intensive world, one in which getting the right data quickly is often pivotal to an organization’s success. Moving files from point A to point B requires many considerations, but when it comes to large, mission-critical files that need to reach recipients around the world as fast as possible, it’s time to move beyond options such as Dropbox and Google...

What Do Emerging Data Privacy Laws in the U.S. Mean for You?

What is Data Privacy? One can think of data privacy as all the processes involved in how confidential or personal information or data is collected, used, and shared or governed. No singular policy governs data privacy, with requirements and penalties varying across states and countries. Data privacy laws are legal constructs that set clear lines...

Largest Data Breaches in Last 10 Years

Bigger is often better. A bigger slice of pizza or a bigger paycheck sounds pretty nice. An extra-large data breach, not so much. Listing out the biggest data breaches of all time can be challenging, as the next big one could be right around the corner. At the time of this writing, reports are out that the Personally Identifiable Information ...

Lessons Learned from the REvil Ransomware Attack of 2021

Fireworks lighting up the sky, the smell of backyard grills cranking out delicious food, and organizations reeling from massive global cyberattacks. Aaah….those not-so-sweet memories of that first weekend in July 2021, when hundreds of businesses were smacked with the financial, logistical, and reputational ramifications of ransomware attacks. ...