

What are SFTP Servers?

What are SFTP Servers? A typical file transfer server helps transfer files server-to-server or client-to-server, and SFTP servers are a more protected version: they encrypt data to keep sensitive information secure while moving files, and some have the added bonus of encrypting files at rest. SFTP servers use a single data channel in which...

Should You Get Extended Customer Support? FileCatalyst’s Top 3 Reasons Why It’s Worth It

Whether you are purchasing the next trending iPhone or a powerful fast file transfer solution, support is always a bonus feature that provides you a team in your back corner. This sense of security takes a weight off of your shoulders because you know that assistance will be there to alleviate the stress that comes with updates, crashes, and more. Support is undervalued within the world of...

Netflix Series Black Mirror, Highlights Data Protection– 3 Reasons Why You Should Listen

For good or for bad, the popular NetFlix television show, Black Mirror has global audiences overwhelmed with the future possibilities for technology. The show’s creators appear to have sought out the most extreme plotlines around technological threats, leaving us with digital nightmares. While Black Mirror mainly tackles the negative aspects of the potential advancement in technology, it does...

Which is Faster: FTPS or SFTP?

FTPS vs. SFTP You may have heard of FTPS and SFTP, but chances are that you may not be super familiar with them. If you haven’t had a chance to dive in deep, read on for a more in-depth look into FTPS, SFTP, and which of the two is faster. What is FTPS? FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS), or File Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer/Transport...

Think Your Customer Data was Exposed? Follow These Steps

When a prospect or customer shares personal data with a business, they expect their information will be stored securely, kept safe from vulnerabilities, and used only for the purposes with which it was collected. Whether this data is an email address, a birthday, a personal identifier, or credit card numbers, the weight of trust placed on this...

Is FTP Dead?

Is FTP still a viable option for sending file transfers? While organizations across all industries have started shifting to secure FTP protocols like SFTP and FTPS, a surprising number of businesses still use FTP to transfer sensitive documents across internal and external networks. The search "how to use FTP" comes up with over 163 million...

Are SFTP Files Encrypted?

The definitive answer to "Are SFTP Files Encrypted," is yes! SFTP, short for Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol is a network protocol that organizations use to secure and send file transfers. SFTP is firewall-friendly, supports key-based authentication, encrypts usernames and passwords, and implements strong encryption algorithms. How...

I’ve Just Been Breached, Now What?

So, you think (or perhaps you know) you’ve been breached. It’s every organization’s nightmare, and you’re living it, facing local and federal fines, upset customers, public panic, and a loss of intellectual property. A breach can be a harrowing ordeal; if you’re not sure what to do immediately after discovering the breach, your situation can...

40 Cybersecurity User Groups, Forums & Communities to Join

What is the best cybersecurity resource? Answer: other people! Today more than ever, people are connecting with each other over shared problems and interests. Maybe there’s a particularly tricky problem that’s taunting you. Maybe you have exciting best practices to share with other professionals. Whether you’re a cybersecurity industry veteran,...

The Key Differences Between SFTP and FTP

Last Updated 05/03/2024 Are SFTP and FTP the same? While they both transfer files, the answer to this question is ultimately, NO. Secure File Transfer Protocol or SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) are NOT the same thing. SFTP, not to be confused with FTP Secure (FTPS), is a network SFTP is an extension of the 2.0...

Everything You Need to Know About SFTP Automation

Last edited on 4/25/2024 There are many file transfer protocols that organizations could use within their workflows. Some organizations may simply be looking for a way to automate their file transfers. Whether you send a dozen file transfers a week, hundreds a day, or rely on SFTP in an enterprise-fashion, to transmit millions of files per day,...

How SFTP Works

How does SFTP work? When you need to secure server-to-server file transfers between yourself, your trading partners, and enterprise servers, SFTP (which stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a more secure option than FTP. Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) works over the Secure Shell (SSH) data stream to...

Everything You Need to Know about FTP Automation Software

So, you want to automate your FTP file transfers. Whether you send a dozen file transfers a week, hundreds a day, or even more, automation is a smart step for most businesses. The benefits are simple: automatic file transfers cut down on user errors, reduce or eliminate the need for scripts, free up manual time spent on creating and maintaining...

Which is Better: AS2 vs. SFTP?

Over the last several months, we’ve compared many different file transfer protocols, including SFTP vs. FTPS and SFTP vs. MFT, and MFT vs. Dropbox for secure file sharing. Today, we’re going to look at AS2 vs. SFTP. How do these popular file transfer protocols work? How do they differ? And most importantly, which one is better for your organization’s file exchange requirements? Let’s dive in. ...

Why You Should Never Use FTP to Transfer Cloud Files

The cloud has become an increasingly popular topic among organizations in recent years. From sharing projects via cloud collaboration tools to exchanging files between a company and its trading partners using cloud storage buckets, cloud computing platforms like Microsoft Azure and AWS offer users a lot of flexibility over their day-to-day...

Five Secure File Transfer Alternatives to FTP

Last Updated: 05/02/2024 The Need for Secure File Transfer Protocols “FTP served its purpose for its day, but it was never designed to offer up the level of security today’s organizations require, whether for compliance or to help prevent the enormous fiscal and reputational costs a data breach can bring about,” said Chris Spargen, Senior Manager,...

Which is Better: Free SFTP Software vs. Enterprise-Level SFTP Software?

Free SFTP Software vs. Enterprise-Level SFTP Solutions In general, people like free things. Beverages, company lunches, swag at tradeshows and conferences, t-shirts and socks, those intriguing items in the “For Free” box at your local yard sale… You can’t go wrong with free, right? Well, coffee you don’t have to pay for is great, but the adage “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” exists for a...

What is Secure File Transfer?

Moving sensitive, often-proprietary files from one person—or organization—to another has become a complex aspect of the business world today. This complexity comes not only from the size and number of files that need to be shared, but also from the need to protect them at all points during their journey from sender to receiver. Even though there...

Data Breach and Incident Response Plans | 2019 Templates & Best Practices

Every year, organizations hope that statistics for data breaches will improve, that things will be better than the year before. And every year, they are dismayed to discover that even though they’re pulling in new cybersecurity tactics to thwart cyber attacks, so are hackers pulling in new methods to discover their organizations’ weakest...

What is FTPS?

Whether you’re looking to upgrade from your current FTP file transfers or have new requirements from a trading partner or customer, you might be wondering what FTPS is. You may ask: how does FTPS work, and does it differ from secure file transfer protocols like SFTP and AS2? Good questions. Let’s start by defining what FTPS is. ...