

Secure File Transfer Drives Compliance and Efficiency for Credit Unions

The unwavering protection of personally identifiable information (PII) is the foundation upon which financial and banking organizations build their services and instill trust in customers. Achieving this requires credit unions and related companies to navigate a fine balance between stringent data security and business efficiency to meet customer...

This Month in Cybersecurity: Time for a Spring Clean?

Spring is the time of year when people start thinking about decluttering, cleaning, and readying themselves for the next season—spring cleaning. It's a tradition that dates back centuries, but it could also be applied to an organization's cybersecurity. There’s never a bad time to reflect on how best to keep your organization safe, especially...

Is Your Disaster Recovery Site Ready?

The old adage, "It's not a matter of if, but when" can strike fear in the heart of every IT professional, especially when talking about recovering form the unexpected impact of outages. Whether the result of a natural disaster, cybercrime impact, or large-scale network outages that dreaded downtime and the security measures that need to be taken...

How GoAnywhere MFT Works with SharePoint

Data and documents are the lifeblood of the business and sharing that data to both external trading partners and internal stakeholders is essential. Discover how GoAnywhere works with one of today’s favorite intranet sites for teams and file sharing: SharePoint. What is SharePoint? SharePoint helps teams meet various business needs by providing...

How Fast File Transfer Helps Natural Resources Companies

Moving data from the field to the office often runs into speedbumps like slow connections, dropped packets, or even failed backups. In the energy and natural resources industries, moving data is even more difficult due to the size and complexity of data collected on-site. What can organizations do to send big data reliably – and quickly? One answer is to use a fast file transfer solution. What...

How to Streamline Secure Data Exchanges

Secure Data Exchanges Don't Have to Sacrifice Efficiency Hitting “send” is as routine and frequent as sipping on coffee for many employees. And uploading a file to a third-party, vendor, or another colleague happens with that same automatic mind-set. Outside of the IT team, many employees don’t actually give a lot of thought to the journey of...

Comparing the Top File Transfer Protocols

With dozens of file transfer protocols to choose from, how do you know which is the best for your business? Some file transfer protocol specifications are set by trading partners – method, format, and security requirements – while others are set by internal requirements. Discover the top secure file transfer methods, and how they stack up...

HIPAA vs. HITRUST: The Key Differences

What is HIPAA? HIPPA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is a federal law that addresses regulatory compliance for healthcare organizations. HIPAA sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data and applies to any company that deals with protected health information (PHI). HIPAA requires healthcare...

Choosing MFT Software Based on User Reviews

Humans use reviews for pretty much everything – hiring a company, making a purchase, even applying for a job. Reviews give us insight into what someone – presumably someone like us, if they’re currently using the same thing we’re shopping for – thinks of a product: how they liked it, what their experience is, and what could have been better. Even...

Data Security Measures for the Return to Office

Whether your employees are headed back to the office enthusiastically, with a bit of dread, or a mix of emotions, they’ll bring with them more than just their laptops, lunches, and stories from their work-from-home days upon their return. They’ll also potentially be bringing along some data security risks. While risks around unauthorized file...

5 Ways Government Can Improve Cybersecurity Resilience

Cybersecurity for Government is Crucial In these trying times government agencies everywhere must be resilient when it comes to cybersecurity. Cyber resilience is an organization’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber threats. A cyber-resilient organization can adequately adapt to known and unknown crises, threats,...

What is India's Personal Data Protection Bill?

The EU’s GDPR paved the way for data privacy and protection laws around the world, and one of the latest is the emerging Personal Data Protection Bill in India. While organizations in India already adhere to international data privacy laws, including GDPR when serving overseas customers, as well as the restrictions set out in 2000’s Information...

Secure File Transfer for Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply chain attacks are one of the fastest-growing cyber risks that organizations face in 2022, and when it comes to supply chain risk management, organizations in every industry should pay attention. There have always been efforts to help organizations understand and mitigate risks related to supply chain, and recent initiatives, including the...

ModernCTO Podcast with Chris Spargen - Seamless Managed File Transfer

Chris Spargen, Senior Solutions Engineering Manager for HelpSystems (now Fortra), was recently featured on the ModernCTO Podcast. In the interview, Spargen discusses how MFT technology has rapidly evolved to be more user friendly and how the company’s MFT solutions can secure, automate, and encrypt file transfers in an ever-increasing threat environment. Listen below: ...

What Makes Audio and Music Files So Big?

If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound? Yes, but without the right tools to capture, process, and send the sound, no one will ever know. The same goes for any audio file: even with the right tools, it’s nearly impossible to capture, process, and send a sound with 100 percent accuracy. And even with the right tools, certain choices you make can sacrifice sound quality. Sound has been...

Shadow IT and Work From Home: The Risks and Solutions

Working 9 to 5 is no longer the only way to make a living, and for the foreseeable future, organizations parking most of their employees at a particular desk Monday through Friday is looking less and less likely. Working from home, at least as part of a hybrid organizational structure, is here to stay. Whether working from home, in a hybrid...

What is HITRUST Compliance?

HITRUST Compliance Helps to Manage Risk The secure storage and transfer of sensitive data is of the utmost importance to the healthcare industry. Data security and complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is paramount, yet doing so can often be complex and difficult to maintain. This is where HITRUST comes...

Tainted Love, Ransomware, and More: This Month in Cybersecurity

February, while a short month, was long on cybersecurity threats. Read on for a few of the high- (well, low-lights) as well as for some resources from GoAnywhere MFT on how you can help secure your sensitive data files while they are in motion and in transit. Love Hurts The search for love turned up more than potential partners over the last...

What is a PGP File?

What is PGP and What is It Used For? PGP is short for Pretty Good Privacy and it’s one of the most widely used technologies for encrypting and authenticating files. It can help encrypt, decrypt, authenticate, and verity various file types including emails, files, directories, disk partitions, and more. PGP, along with its offshoots Open PGP and...

HTTPS vs. SFTP: The Key Differences

What Are the Key Differences Between HTTPS and SFTP? HTTPS and SFTP are both important protocols used for the act of sending data. However, there are innate differences between them. Read more for a look at the key differences between HTTPS and SFTP. What is HTTPS? HTTPS, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is a secure way to send...