Secure File Transfer Automation

File transfer automation software allows users to program when files should move between internal systems, users, or trading partners. This software is often used to manage reoccurring or high-volume file transfers, so other business-critical tasks can be prioritized and pursued.

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Ease File Transfer Automation with GoAnywhere MFT

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Automated file transfer helps businesses add control and efficiency to the exchange of recurring or high-volume file transfers between systems, trading partners, or internal users.

GoAnywhere MFT is a secure FTP (SFTP) file transfer automation software alternative that lets users quickly automate file transfers and schedule workflows (projects) to run using its built-in scheduler or your existing scheduler software. Within GoAnywhere's browser-based administrator, users can also achieve workflow and file automation by executing authorized projects with a single click.

GoAnywhere MFT can execute multiple workflows concurrently with its job management system. Administrators can define multiple job queues to group workflows that share common characteristics or service level agreements (SLAs). Each job queue can define the priority of their jobs as well as the maximum number of concurrent jobs that can be executed from the queue. Job queues can be managed and prioritized through GoAnywhere's Administrator interface.

Make automation easy with GoAnywhere file transfer automation software.

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File Transfer Automation Features

With the built-in scheduler you can execute Projects (workflows) at future dates and times. Schedule a project to run just once or with any number of recurring frequencies — every minute, every hour, day, certain days of the week, or every month, etc.

You can also define custom calendars with specific holidays or dates that are important to your business, or to avoid scheduling a job on a specific day. You can personalize this scheduler further by specifying the user and password to run Projects under, start date, frequency and any variables to override within the Project. You can also indicate the email addresses to be notified when a Project fails or completes normally.

Large files don’t stump a dedicated file transfer method like MFT or an email add-on like GoAnywhere Secure Mail that lets you send large files as secure packages on an ad hoc basis. Plus, you can access features that allow you to send multiple large files.

And large files won’t suffer from non-delivery with secure file transfer solutions such as GoAnywhere, in addition to no size limits, the solution includes auto-resume and integrity checks to help keep big files moving, even if they run into network connectivity issues.

Staying compliant with various industry regulations or privacy laws, including PCI DSS, HIPAA, state privacy laws and other regulations is easier with GoAnywhere MFT, as you can generate comprehensive audit logs of all file transfer and administrator activity, including workflow and file server auditing and administrator logging.

This data is captured for activity in GoAnywhere servers for AS2, FTP, FTPS, HTTPS, and SFTP and includes details on log in attempts, file uploads and downloads, errors, and other activity or events and can be quickly filtered, sorted, viewed and exported as needed.

Executing Projects with File Transfer Automation Software

GA Projects Execution

Workflows can also be automated, executing whenever a file monitor detects new, modified, or deleted files in targeted folders.

Workflows can be called from local and remote command lines, scripts, and programs using the provided commands and APIs. Workflows can additionally be called as Web Services using SOAP or REST requests. To execute Workflows based on user activity, triggers can monitor for events like when a file is uploaded or downloaded.

Workflows can be executed in Debug mode, which allows users to interactively execute tasks one step at a time. At each stopping point, the values for the variables can be viewed or changed before the next task is executed.

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Achieve File Transfer Automation with GoAnywhere MFT

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