HTTPS Web Client


GoAnywhere MFT provides a HTTPS Web Client that allows your employees, customers and trading partners to perform secure ad-hoc file transfers and collaboration directly through their browser. This is a simple alternative to other web file transfer methods (e.g. FTP) since end-users do not need additional software or special training.

The Web Client provides access to transfer files with Secure Folders, send Secure Mail packages, submit Secure Forms, and collaborate with GoDrive documents.

Secure Folders

With Secure Folders, users can access authorized files and folders on the network and other file systems through the convenience of their browser. Files are transferred quickly between the user’s desktop and your organization over the secure HTTPS protocol. Since files in Secure Folders are stored on a standard file system, they can also be accessed by backend applications and programs.

Secure Mail

Secure Mail allows users to quickly send confidential messages and files using the convenience of email and the security of HTTPS. When an email is sent with Secure Mail, the message and attachments are automatically encrypted and stored on your server. GoAnywhere MFT then sends an email notification to the recipients with a link to the encrypted message and files. This link allows the user to download the message and files over a secure HTTPS connection directly from your server.

Secure Forms

Secure Forms enable administrators to create custom forms for end-users to submit information and optionally upload files to your organization. When a user submits a Secure Form, the information and files they supply are processed by GoAnywhere’s automated workflows that can place the information into a database, translate the files, send email notifications, and other processing. The workflow can also return files to the Secure Form for the user to download.


GoDrive provides enterprise file sync and sharing features. All your user’s documents, images, videos and sensitive files are stored on your network and are automatically synced to each of your users connected devices, allowing safe, on-the-go access from smartphones, laptops and tablets.

HTTPS Web Client Features At-A-Glance

Our modern, browser-based HTTPS web client provides all of the following features, and more!

  • Users can quickly transfer files between their computer and the server using their preferred browser
  • Server folders can be secured with granular permissions (upload, download, etc.) for each user
  • Users can collaborate with others by sharing authorized files and folders
  • Robust security allows meeting compliance requirements like PCI DSS, HIPAA and state privacy laws 
  • Supports user authentication types of Active Directory (AD), LDAP, IBM i profiles, database and certificates
  • Self service; users can register their own accounts (with approval), reset their own passwords, and save their preferences
  • Event triggers can automatically process files or send email notifications
  • Allows only strong NIST-certified encryption algorithms when in FIPS 140-2 Compliance mode
  • Generates full audit trails of all file transfers. Users can view their own logs
  • Supports multiple web interfaces with custom branding (distinct logos and disclaimer messages)
  • Supports popular browsers including Microsoft Internet ExplorerFirefoxSafari and Google Chrome
  • Highly scalable with no limits on the number of users
  • Multilingual with support for English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Indonesian, and Chinese languages

Try our easy-to-use HTTPS client file transfer server using GoAnywhere MFT.

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