GoAnywhere MFT includes over 60 built-in tasks for performing a wide variety of business processes. This includes tasks to retrieve and distribute files, transform data, encrypt/decrypt files, compress/decompress files and interact with databases. Other tasks can be used to call native commands, execute programs, send emails, search and replace file contents and more.
You can also build your own custom tasks to use within Projects. This is especially helpful if you need to perform special processing or connect to ERP systems and other applications using proprietary interfaces.
Multiple tasks can be "chained" together within a Project to perform a series of steps. For instance, a Project could be defined with a task to retrieve an XML file from a trading partner, then another task to parse the XML and finally a task to import the data into a database table.
Listed below is a summary of the built-in tasks:
Runs any SQL statement supported by the database server (i.e. SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, CREATE, DELETE, CALL, etc). This task is especially useful for extracting data from database tables, which could then be converted to various file formats and transmitted. It is also useful for importing data from files that may have been retrieved from trading partners.
Read CSV
Reads a CSV file and produces an output that can be used in another task (for instance, to import into a database).
Write CSV
Converts a set of records to a CSV (delimited text) formatted file.
Read Excel
Reads an Excel file and produces an output that can be used in a different task (for instance, to convert to CSV format). Supports reading from Microsoft Excel 95, 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 workbooks.
Write Excel
Converts a set of records to Microsoft Excel file format. Supports Microsoft Excel 95, 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 file types.
Password Protect Excel
Encrypts Microsoft Excel .xlsx documents for password protection
Read Fixed-Width
Reads a fixed-width formatted file and produces an output that can be used in another task (for instance, to convert to XML format).
Write Fixed-Width
Converts a set of records to a fixed-width (e.g. fixed length) formatted file.
Read Flat File
Reads a flat file and produces an output that can be used in another task.
Read XML
Reads data from a XML document (with or without Schema and DTD validation) and produces one or more outputs that can be used in another task (for instance, to import into a database).
Write XML
Converts records to an XML document. Accepts multiple inputs to produce complex XML structures with optional Schema and DTD validation. For example, order header and order detail records can be combined within a single XML document.
Reads data from a JSON document and produces one or more outputs that can be used in another task (for instance, to import into a database).
Write JSON
Converts records to a JSON document. Accepts multiple inputs to produce complex JSON structures. For example, order header and order detail records can be combined within a single JSON document.
Count RowSet
Counts the number of rows and columns in a RowSet variable.
Modify RowSet
Modifies the contents of rows or records.
Validate RowSet
Validates the contents of rows or records.
Retrieve Email
Retrieves E-Mail messages from POP3 and IMAP servers (with or without S/MIME encryption).
Send Email
Sends E-Mail messages through a SMTP server (with or without S/MIME encryption). Supports file attachments.
Send SMS Message
Sends SMS text messages through a SMS gateway.
Create a hash value for a file using MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512 algorithms.
Copies files and directories on local file systems, as well as network shares.
Moves files and directories.
Deletes files and directories.
Renames one or more files in a directory .
Make Directory
Creates a new directory on the file system.
Search and Replace
Searches for a string in a file and replaces it with a new value.
Merge Files
Merges multiple into a single file.
Create File List
Builds a list of files based on filter criteria (e.g. wildcards, size, date). This "file list" can then be used in other tasks.
Send and receive messages using Applicability Statement 2.
Send and receive messages using Applicability Statement 3.
Send and receive messages using Applicability Statement 4.
Connects to a FTP server for performing file transfer (gets, puts) and other FTP commands.
Connects to a FTPS server for transferring files over SSL/TLS.
GoAnywhere HTTPS
Posts and Gets data from HTTPS Server in the GoAnywhere MFT product.
GoDrive Upload
Upload files to GoDrive User accounts.
Transfers files or calls web services using HTTP Protocol.
Transfer files or calls web services using HTTPS (HTTPS over SSL).
Connects to a SCP- Compliant server for transferring files over SSH,
Connects to a SFTP server for transferring files over SSH.
Close Session
Closes an open FTP or FTPS session.
Execute IBM i Commands and Programs
Executes (calls) a command or program on a IBM i (iSeries) machine.
Execute Native Command
Executes a command (e.g. executable, script, etc.) on the system that is locally accessible by GoAnywhere MFT.
Execute SSH Commands
Connects to a remote server using SSH to execute commands.
Send files to an ICAP- enabled server which can perform Anti-Virus and DLP functions.
Send Traps to SNMP servers.
Call Module
Routes control to another Module within the Project.
Call Project
Executes a Project on the same installation of GoAnywhere MFT.
Call Remote Project
Executes another Project on a different installation of GoAnywhere MFT.
The Delay task can be used to a pause a project for a specified amount of time.
If / Else
Evaluate conditions and make processing flow decisions accordingly.
Exit Module
Exits the Module when a condition is true.
Exit Project
Exits a Project at he specified location if a condition is true.
Raise Error
Generates an error in the Project, which can used to abort the job or route control to another module.
Do- While Loop
A Do-While loop is similar to a While Loop, however a Do-While loop checks the condition at the end of the loop. Therefore the tasks in a Do-While loop will execute at least once.
Exit Loop
The Exit Loop is a special component used to exit (or leave) the loop when a certain conditions is met.
For Loop
A For Loop executes one or more tasks for a specified number of times.
For- Each Loop
For- Each Loop are used to iterate over a collection of items such as a list of files contained in a File List or a collection of data in a RowSet.
Iterate Loop
The Iterate Loop is a special component for advancing the loop to the next iteration without running the remaining items in the loop.
While Loop
The While Loop checks a specified condition before executing the tasks contained within the loop. If the conditions is met, the tasks within the Loop will execute one iteration.
Base64 Decode
Decodes a Base64 encoded input file and produces an output file with the decoded binary content.
Base64 Encode
Encodes the binary content of an input file and produces a Base64 encoded ASCII output file.
Close RowSet
Allows manual closing of a RowSet rather than relying on the project to handle this when finished.
Close Session
Closes an open SFTP, SCP, or SSH session.
Deny Trigger Event
Called by a 'Before Trigger' event. Will stop a file from being accepted or delivered, which is useful when scanning files for viruses or performing DLP.
Writes user-specified text into the job log.
Secure Form Response
The Secure Form Response task is used to provide custom success or failure messages when a user submits a Secure Form.
Set Variable
Assigns a new value to a Variable.
Makes the current date and time availabe to various tasks in the project. Custom formats can be defined to indicate how the date and/or time should be formatted.
Open MQ Session
Opens a Message Queue Session with a MQ (JMS) Server.
MQ Send Message
Sends messages to a MQ Server.
MQ Retrieve Message
Retrieves messages from a MQ Server.
Commit/Rollback MQ Message
Processes or rolls back MQ Messages without closing the session.
Close MQ Session
Closes the session with the MQ Server.
PGP Decrypt
Decrypts files using the Open PGP (GPG) standard.
PGP Encrypt
Encrypts files using the Open PGP (GPG) encryption standard.
PGP Sign
Signs files with a private key (uses Open PGP).
PGP Verify
Verifies file signatures with a public key (uses Open PGP).
Comments can be added to Projects to help administrators understand the purpose of a task or Project logic.
Create Workspace
Creates a temporary directory to store files while the job is running.
Delete Workspace
Deletes the job's workspace, if any.
Import Project Source
Deletes the job's workspace, if any.
A Module is a logical grouping of one or more Tasks. Multiple modules can be defined in a Project.
You can create your own user-defined variables in a Project, which can be used in one or more tasks within that Project.
Over 20 Customizable Reports*
Produces a variety of reports including audit log activity, analytics and management information in PDF format.
Create JWT
Creates a JSON Web Token.
Sends messages to the SOAP web service.
REST Delete
Sends a REST request to delete a resource from a web service.
Sends a REST request to retrieve data from a web service.
REST Multipart Post
Sends a REST request with multiple parts to create a new resource on a web service.
REST Options
Sends a request to get the options available on a web service.
REST Patch
Sends a REST request to add or update data on a web service.
Sends a REST request to create a new resource on a web service.
Sends a REST request to update an existing resource on a web service.
* Additional licensing fees required.